

Submitted by Deirdre Purdy, Chairwoman, Democrat Executive Committee

I’m retired now, but for several decades I specialized in federal criminal defense, so people ask me about the Trump cases.  

Their most frequent question – “Will he get jail time?  Will he go to prison?”  Yes, I think Judge Chutkan, for one, would not hesitate to treat him like any other convicted defendant and impose a prison sentence.

But to the implied conclusion that a prison sentence would somehow end his candidacy or prevent him from becoming president, the answer is no.  

Trump counts on his election to save his legal bacon, and he’s right.  If he becomes a duly elected president, he will be unstoppable.  That’s exactly why he’s running – for his Get Out of Jail Free card.  Only a Biden victory can prevent it.

Trump’s indictments on 91 felony counts give him a courtroom stage where his protests, name calling and general disruption stand out and garner even more coverage as they contrast with the formal order of the court and undermine its authority.

Trump has tied the courts in knots balancing his core political speech as a candidate against the orderly administration of justice.  

Trump has not a scintilla of interest in the orderly administration of justice.  The more chaotic he makes it look, the more unfair it seems to his supporters.  Just as he yells in all caps, he’s a victim of the deep state and the politicized, weaponized justice system.

Meanwhile, as a candidate, Trump is getting more free speech than any defendant would ever be allowed.  A defendant who denounced the “racist AG,” the “psycho” judge, and his “corrupt” clerk, for conspiring with Joe Biden and others to “DESTROY OUR COUNTRY” would likely be sent to a Federal Medical Center for a psych eval.  An FMC is a federal prison with docs and meds.  

Trial courts impose gag orders to stop Trump’s attacks on witnesses, court staff, judges and prosecutors.  Appeal courts finick around the words – can he not “target” or “disparage,” or is it “attack?” Meanwhile, Trump mocks the whole process by targeting, attacking, disparaging, smearing, and discrediting anyone he hasn’t been ordered not to: “You didn’t say I couldn’t target the judge’s wife.”

Step by step, Trump is discrediting the American justice system.  He delays, he appeals.  As a former president and current candidate, every step in the judicial process does raise unprecedented issues.  But to those issues, Trump requires his lawyers to throw up every spurious and ridiculous argument he can think of, mocking not just the law, but reason itself.  

Nevertheless, the prosecutors and courts will do their jobs – as they must – charging crimes where there is probable cause, protecting Defendant candidateTrump’s right to core political speech, and giving Defendant Trump a fair trial, no matter how hard he works to derail and corrupt the process.

As a result, before the 2024 election, Trump will almost surely be convicted of a felony, maybe on the four felony counts in the January 6 insurrection case.  Polling suggests that fewer people would vote for him if he’s a convicted felon.  But simply being a convicted felon is no bar to running for president or to being elected.

The Constitutional requirements to be president are minimal:  A person must be at least 35 years old, be a natural-born citizen and have lived in the U.S. for at least 14 years.  Courts have routinely found no others may be added.  A felony conviction is not a bar to the presidency.

Nor would a prison sentence stop Trump from becoming the duly elected president.   I emphasize those words because if he wins the election, if he is duly elected, Trump will have all the powers of the presidency:  to seek his own release to carry out his presidential duties, possibly to pardon himself and many others (think January 6), and to appoint an Attorney General to dismiss any remaining federal charges.  (That’s just the Day One agenda.)

(At that point, the Georgia state case becomes irrelevant.  No state court can remove the duly elected president from the presidency.)

There is a second legal avenue Trump opponents are taking, looking to the courts to keep Trump off the ballot under the 14th Amendment.  Section 3, the “disqualification clause,” says that no person shall hold office if they have “previously taken an oath as a member of Congress, or as an officer of the United States” and “engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the Constitution.”

A Denver District Court judge recently found that Trump engaged in insurrection.  The court’s findings of fact are thorough, detailed, damning, (and a pleasure to read).  On the legal question, though, the court sidestepped a hard decision by ruling that the president was not an “officer of the United States.”  Commonsense says “nope.”

Clearly, SCOTUS must quickly decide the question:  Is candidate Trump, who engaged in insurrection, disqualified from holding federal office under the Fourteenth Amendment of the Constitution?

Our current Supreme Court, with its three Trump appointees, its 6-3 conservative majority, its cavalier attitude toward facts and precedent, and its unique theory of how to read to Constitution could possibly maybe perhaps find that Trump is ineligible to hold office.  Or not.

We cannot count on the courts to prevent a second Trump presidency.  A felony conviction is not a bar.  A prison sentence is not a bar.  Constitutional disqualification hangs on the whims of SCOTUS.  (Remember the 2000 election?)

The only sure way to prevent a second Trump presidency is to ensure he is not the duly elected president.  He must be defeated at the ballot box.  

Trump’s defeat in the presidential election is also the only way to ensure that he is punished for his crimes.  He must be defeated at the ballot box.  



  1. Hi Diedre. Thanks again for a provocative and well thought out treatise. I agree with almost everything you say. Except for one glaring error. You need to replace the words Trump and MAGA with the Democratic party and platform. Then you would be accurate. We are all aware of the perversion of justice being wrought on him and Americans. You are a trial lawyer. You know how our government was established and our guiding documents. Yet you have, like the far left media, pronounced him guilty before he was tried. Dems have given a lot more meaning to the term “Trumped up” charges now. If the court finds him guilty, then what banks and tax revenuers value our home and property for are of no importance. As far as speedy trials, where is the trial for the Jan. 6 detainees? Justice for Ashley Babbitt? How about Nancy Pelosi refusing extra police protection and the 200 undercover FBI agents who dressed as Trump supporters and incited a bogus insurrection? While Pelosis’ daughter filmed it with a paid actor? Hillarys e-mails, Russia Russia Russia, Jeffery Epsteins logs and payments to the big guy! The hypocrisy goes on. Why ? Money and power. George Soros bought and paid for prosecutors in place for for those two reasons. You blowing Democratic smoke does not change the narrative. Soros backs looters and rioters to burn down and destroy cities? Why? Because he can come in, buy the land for next to nothing and redevelop. Look at Detroit and is new state of the art 30 mile redevelopment. As far as power, I lived in California when he did the first Ballot drop to get Kamala Harris elected. It worked there then he went nationwide. Power is also the reason that Democrats will stop at nothing to keep Trump from being elected. You brought it up so lets look at some of the Democratic strategy coming up in the next election!
    1) Start a war. Biden just gave 200 million away on his own yesterday for that reason. Why? One, because him and his globalist friends launder their money in Ukraine and other countries. Also, historically, people tend not change presidents during war time. Unfortunately for liberals, Biden is weaker than Neville Chamberlain and Chamberlain at least had a modicum of patriotism. Biden has shown his hatred of us time and time again. By trying to get the veterans back who did not take the jab, they verified their plan. Since the liberals have done everything the could to emasculate men, do not be surprised if the draft gets reinstituted and women will be forced to serve. A very prominent Democratic leader said that she felt bad for women being raped and murdered in Israel, but that is an unfortunate consequence of war. If drafted, pray that neither your sons or daughters get captured. They will wish they had never been born.
    2) A pandemic of some sort. It was the Covid “crisis” last time. My guess it will be a combination of things this time. Another disease let out of the lab, coupled with a food shortage, and any other mechanism to make the public dependent on the government. Does anyone really think that the bird flu and other diseases destroying millions of crops and animals are just happenstance? Also watch for your utilities. At the very least they can make them unaffordable or even have them “shut off” due to delivery issues.
    3) Hyper-inflation. According to current economic data, at the present rate we are heading into it within the next 18-24 months. Again, the majority of it being globalist induced. I do not have to detail the ramifications of this. Other than to say Thank God I am a Christian.
    4) Also look at the platform . Dems are for the Green New Deal. Vegan diets. Controlling the media with propaganda. Hatred of any group a threat to power. If this sounds like it is from the Nazi handbook, it is. Nazis put Jews in concentration camps as enemies. Anti Semitism is now fueling our country again. This time some of the Dems calling for Christians to be put into “reeducation centers” to be cleansed.

    Again, the list goes on. This is why MAGA is fighting. Even in our own small county. Our MAGA group are also RINOS. We are Republican party that the mainstream left behind. We have God as our head and His principals to guide us. Which is our right. We believe in separation of church and state. This is what we choose to believe. You are free to join us or fight us at the ballot box. You are right Diedre when you stated a few articles ago that the Republicans gave the Democrats the gift of having the next commissioner election. It is true. I have not seen such a political gift handed to a Democrat since it was given to Willie brown all those years ago. He was salivating then like the Dems are here now. Believe me, no one believes that because the Republicans have a few more registered voters than the Dems at this point that it will insure a Republican victory. If the election was held tomorrow, the Dems would have 2 seats. But the election is not tomorrow. One thing for certain, MAGA is no longer going to back to back a person because the party says so. We are tired of being told to hold our nose, vote and the party will keep them on track. Well, MAGA is at the end of that track. No. More compromise. We will back “vetted “ Maga candidates. Does that mean we will not support the Republican candidates? Maybe. We are not bound to the Republican party dictates. So, what do we do if the Rino is running against a Dem. And we seemingly have no choice? But we do! You know the answer Diedre! Will it make the difference? Lets roll the dice and let the metrics play out. Sometimes we will cede the battle to win the war. But rest assured, that is the card that will be recommended that all MAGA supporters will urged to play. The Republican party will leave us no choice if the run another RINO who is not MAGA.

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