Makahla Page, Writer
My name is Makahla Page. I have been following the water bill increase for a while now, and I have found that there is an injustice to the people of Grantsville West Virginia. The water bill increase does not affect myself or my family. I am very passionate about wanting to let my town know about the things I feel are unjust. I understand that some of you supported the increase. I just don’t understand why. Grantsville is a town where most of its people are elderly. Keeping that in mind, we then must look at the people’s budget. How are our people making a living? Social Security Income, food stamps, and working at ages where they shouldn’t have to. Even through these means, our people still cannot afford to live. Now, keeping these things in mind, the people of Grantsville are being forced to choose between medication, bills and groceries.
I understand that to maintain our water plant and everything that comes with that, there must be a way to pay for it. I was told that there hasn’t been an increase in the water bills in quite a while. I now know that that wasn’t true. There must be a better way to increase the water bill rather than an emergency 60% increase at one time. Looking at the population of Grantsville, wouldn’t one infer that a smaller increase, or even a gradual increase overtime would have been more beneficial.
I had the pleasure of getting out and helping with the water petition. I had the pleasure of getting out and speaking to the people of Grantsville about the water, water bill, and even sewage issues. I also had the pleasure of attending some town meetings to sit and listen to about the water increase. The Town Mayor was also gracious enough to meet with me before one of them. I must say, at the time of the meeting I was under the impression that I was getting all the information that I requested.However, I had been given outdated financials. About a month later I was met with the correct financials that had changed my mind entirely.
Let’s take a second to look at some facts that surround the water increase. Before the emergency water increase was brought up, the town had a plan to move forward with a previous water bill increase via normal procedures but had withdrawn it. Around this time the town was also having discussion with American Water for buyout options, but as most know we don’t know the outcome of what happened. Why? As we move forward, the town then decides to move forward with the plan of the emergency 60% water increase. West Virginia Code 24-2B-2 states that the sole reason for granting an emergency rate increase is “if it is determined that such emergency rate is necessary to protect the utility from extreme financial hardship and if that financial hardship is attributable solely to the temporary suspension of rate increases”. Logically speaking, there was no temporary suspension of rate increase. The town had withdrawn their previous case and suspension was never enacted. With that being said, an emergency rate increase should have NEVER been an option for this town.
For the people who are unaware of the options they do have, West Virginia Code 24-2-4f states “commission may require such public utility to enter into a bond in an amount deemed by the commission to be reasonable and conditioned upon the REFUND to the persons or parties entitled thereto of the amount of the excess if such rates so put into effect are subsequently determined to be higher than those finally fixed for such utility”.
No matter how anyone looks at the situation “transparency” was not given. The town had failed to provide any evidence to support an increase and admitted to having no evidence.

Great article. Hope you get an A+. Very generous with your words without calling anyone out.
The ppl of Grantsville can’t afford such an increase.
First the rate increase, then the sellout after that doesn’t work with no one being accountable for the years of mismanagement.