In 2022, PBS published an article about the political shift that was beginning to take hold across the U.S. as tens of thousands of suburban swing voters who helped fuel the Democratic Party’s gains in recent years were becoming Republicans. More than 1 million voters across 43 states switched to the Republican Party between 2021 and 2022 according to voter registration data analyzed by The Associated Press.
It may be equal in other areas of the Country, but nowhere is the shift felt greater than in Calhoun County during 2023. After over a century of Democrat reign, recent Republican Registrations have turned Calhoun County, West Virginia Red for the first time in History. After a call from the State Republicans last month advising Chairman Roger Propst that the registrations were tipping in that direction, the local Republicans have kept a close watch, and the news broke Monday, October 16th, 2023 when Ridgeview News received a message from Landon Palmer of the Secretary of State’s Office (at Ridgeview’s request) that the Republicans are now at 1,505 with Democrats at 1,497.
What brought this dramatic change in a County that wore its Democrat Blue like a badge of honor?
The honor’s gone.
While Nationally, Ridgeview News makes no bones about the fact that the National Republican Party has some clean-up to do on Aisle 2 with their out of touch mentality toward their constituents and poor management of American Finance, Economy and Foreign affairs. But locally, the Republican Executive Committee has turned the “Grand Ol’ Party” into the “Great Opportunity Party.” The Republican Party has been vocal and adamant about holding all elected officials accountable for their positions in government. They’ve traveled to Charleston in numbers to speak with our local legislators to make sure that Calhoun is getting the attention needed to bring it out of decades of poverty and oppressive leadership by the Democrats.
Today was the day we were waiting for.
If you’d like to jump on this train to economic growth and encouragement of the citizens of Calhoun, it takes only a few minutes on the Secretary of State’s Online Voter registration site to change your party affiliation or register as a new voter.
Click this link. And join us at the Republican Executive Committee meetings on the third Tuesday of each month at the Grantsville VFD.