Government News Public Notice

There’s a New Sheriff in Town!

The Calhoun County Commission met Thursday Morning, May 11th with a short agenda and meeting that last less than ten minutes.

Following the opening procedures, Commission President Matt Walker made a motion to appoint Graham Knight as Sheriff. The motion died with no second made. Commissioner Kevin Helmick then made a motion for the hiring of Nathan Allison, quickly seconded by Commissioner Walker but without comment from Commissioner Craig Arthur.

Commissioner Helmick then asked Craig to explain his failure to vote, assuming he would explain by saying he had recused himself of the vote because of his friendship with Nathan Allison. Instead, Arthur said that he would not have voted for Allison but rather for the third candidate, Robin Tucker. He further explained that he felt the county had a great deal to be cleaned up and he believed Mr. Tucker’s background in military and law enforcement would have made him the best choice.

Following Commissioner Arthur’s explanation, Commissioner Helmick determined he should explain his vote saying that he made the motion for the appointment of Nathan Allison because he was the “most electable.” A very odd qualification for being appointed to one of the highest positions in the county.

Not to be a reflection on any Sheriff Candidate but why would electability be a qualifying determination when the Commissioner’s decision should have been made on the knowledge, professional certification, experience, leadership and good judgement of the candidate? But why would we want that?

Nathan Allison may very well be the candidate who ends up having all those qualifications and a wonderful addition to the County. Ridgeview News will not sell the man short, even if the vote was obviously a political ploy.

Also on the Agenda were the following items and votes:

Solid Waste Authority request for $9,317.04 for the purpose of paying wages, taxes, utilities and fuel costs, motion passed.

Minnie Hamilton’s agreement to absorb Calhoun EMS tabled until June meeting.

Redirection of Levy Money to be now given to Minnie Hamilton for their take over of Calhoun EMS.

A Transfer to the stabilization fund in the amount of $250,000 was approved.

Calhoun County Commission will meet to hire a 911 director from the four candidates who have applied.

Next Commission meeting Monday, June 8th, 2023 at 9 a.m.


3 Replies to “There’s a New Sheriff in Town!

  1. So when things go wrong let’s petition to remove hemlock and walker removed for not using their brain ….oh wait the sun baked helmicks guess that explanation as why experience and knowledge has nothing to do with the xecions he makes we need to vote 2 new commissioners. Me my self and I second and third motion that.

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