Guest Writers

They’ve Stopped Listening to Anyone But Themselves

AN EDITORIAL By Loretta Propst

Are you aware that Calhoun County Schools has decided to scrap traditional teacher-centric methods of instruction for the entire student body of Calhoun Middle School beginning at the start of school year 2023-24?  Instead of presenting lessons in each basic core subject, they are initiating project-based learning in which traditional subjects must be integrated into the projects students will be completing.  The program is called Pathways, and I fear beginning a program like this when our students are already behind in the core subjects because of Covid and school shutdowns, will be a disaster.  Calhoun County is one of only two schools in West Virginia to agree to pilot the program. One must ask why? Additional funding is being provided to our county for the program, one report is an amount of $673,810. The planning for this extreme change of teaching methods began in January 2023.  Input from the community and parents was not solicited.  The Board of Education has not been allowed to vote on such a radical change.  Don’t you think they should?  The Superintendent has taken it upon herself to make this change without being transparent.  These students do not belong to the school system, but rather to the parents who are responsible for their upbringing. They should be involved in every facet of their child’s education.  These students will fall even further behind than they already are and will not be ready for the rigors of high school academics.  The Superintendent and Board of Education members are accountable to the citizens of Calhoun County, not the other way around.  

Due to a county policy, BOE members cannot respond to members of the public speaking to them as a delegation, and if they do, they are “called down” by the Superintendent.  Speakers are limited to five minutes.  Again, they are accountable to us, not us to them.  This is our school system.

“PATHWAYS” is a program, in my understanding—very little has been communicated outside of “hints and hushes” by the Superintendent and the Board members—and I was enlightened somewhat by an “EMPOWERMENT” power point and presentation by teachers chosen to “teach” this program and the students favorable to the initial representation.  We did not hear from any students who felt “left behind” which I have personally been told that is the case.  We were assured by one of the presenters that the “students” would help them catch up.  I have heard from a reliable source that some children spend time during these sessions in other rooms.  

I do not apologize for being upset by this matter.   The kind of condescension being exhibited to the parents and community by the school system is unacceptable.  I was subject to snarky comments as I spoke to the BOE at their June 12th meeting, and I do not appreciate it one bit. This behavior is going to cause parents to seek opportunities outside public education for their children’s education which will cause significant loss of state funding Calhoun Schools. I have great-grandchildren that I love dearly, and their education is of utmost importance.  I desperately would like to see them graduate from CCHS and enjoy the extra-curricular activities of music and athletics.  So incredibly sad!


One Reply to “They’ve Stopped Listening to Anyone But Themselves

  1. Well said….and the eye rolling and unprofessional behavior is unbelievable.

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