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This County’s Happenings are ”your business”

Shari Johnson/Publisher

Good Morning! from the Ridge.

We made it through the first month of the, and we did alright… at least in my profound and certainly biased opinion. I know we can do better, and that’s the plan, but I wanted to say Thank You! To all those who have encouraged us, read our news and followed us on Social Media. With your help we’ll grow into an even better source of information.

Every group and organization in Calhoun County is important. It’s what makes us feel a part of a community. It’s where we meet neighbors, talk kids and cattle and all things family. However, please don’t assume that I know what’s happening outside of my bubble just because I’m responsible for the local news. I would love to cover your event, but first I have to know about it and second, I have to be available, which isn’t always the case but we can still work out coverage. You can call (304)377-6036 and leave a message or you can email me at

Next, once you find an article of interest on Ridgeview News,, please share it to your social media page, perhaps it will be of interest to your like minded friends, and the effort on your part will help us to grow as well as help our advertisers get greater reach for their business.

And speaking of business. Somewhere over the years, Calhoun County (collectively) has forgotten that County Government is our business. The decisions made inside the walls of State, County and City offices are determining whether or not business and industry looks at us as a viable place to open shop. Issues with government official negligence, oversight and even rudeness have been ignored and viewed as the acceptable norm. These acts have cost us financially and caused good people to grow weary of politics and the ability to make change.

Over the past year the 1982 Foundation has caused many people to re-think what’s possible here. Including me. One woman’s vision has garnered State attention and I have no doubt will be a national interest.

I’ve spent the first month getting my feet grounded in what’s expected of me as a publisher. I’ve received great encouragement from community and friends. So I’m asking you to share your thoughts and make recommendations for things we should cover, and we’ll do our best to be a voice for Calhoun County!


2 Replies to “This County’s Happenings are ”your business”

  1. welcome Sherri, we are new to your wesite ,so glad you are doing this , may son Mark Boggs told me about your site ,you are doing a great job , we will pass the word around , because a lot of people don’t know about this .

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