
Three Drug Court Graduates Honored in Calhoun Ceremony

Judge Anita Ashley honoring Johnny Ray Blosser

Adult Drug Court began in Calhoun County as well Roane in 2015 to serve those counties in helping drug addicted defendants escape what is most often a lifetime battle Involving entire families. Mike Lacy, Surpreme Court Director of Probation said in 2015 “Drug addiction is “like an ocean you can’t swim out of unless somebody throws you a lifeline. That’s what the drug court team does.”

Judge Anita Ashley honoring Michael Morris

The graduation ceremony for three successful completions of the program was held at the Calhoun County Park on Friday, February 24th, 2023. Judge Anita Harold Ashley and Prosecuting Attorney Nigel Jeffries joined in honoring Michael Morris, Johnny Ray Blosser and John Fisher as graduates.

Judge Anita Ashley honoring John Fisher

In 2009 and 2011 respectively, the West Virginia Legislature enacted legislation which codified adult and juvenile drug courts in West Virginia under the administration, control and responsibility of the Supreme Court. As part of the Justice Reinvestment Act passed in 2014, adult drug courts should be established in all of West Virginia’s counties by July 1, 2016.

Rigorous evaluation and research has demonstrated that, where adult drug courts are implemented consistent with models and procedures developed based on objective studies, they significantly reduce recidivism and substance abuse among high-risk substance abusing offenders.

Ridgeview News congratulates all three graduates and loves covering the good news of a brighter future!
