News Politics

Town Council Candidate Metz Platform Statement

By Jessica Metz

I have resided in Grantsville since the day I was born. I am the mother of 4 children and I am already in the business of helping people I have two positions at the Calhoun Family Resource Network/ Family Support Center which are Peer Recovery Supporter which soon I will be board certified Peer Recovery Support Specialist helping those who struggle with addiction and I am a Parent Resource Navigator helping parents who are involved with Child Abuse and Neglect cases reach reunification with their children so hopefully I can help the town move forward in its journey to growth as well. Below  is my platform statement.

Community Engagement

• Promoting open communication between the town council and the community.

• Hosting regular town hall meetings or public forums to gather input and address concerns.

• Ensuring transparency in government decisions.

Local Economy

• Supporting small businesses 

• Finding ways to attract new businesses and investments to the town.

• Improving the town’s infrastructure to make it more business-friendly.

Public Safety

• Ensuring the town has effective police and fire departments. Advocating for a town officer or a contract with the Sheriff to provide one.

• Addressing community concerns around crime, safety, and emergency preparedness.

• Supporting mental health and addiction services for residents.

Housing and Development

• Advocating for affordable housing options to accommodate residents at various income levels.

• Managing growth and development in a way that preserves the character of the town.

Environmental Sustainability

• Supporting green spaces, parks, and conservation efforts.

• Advocating for sustainable energy and waste management solutions.

Fiscal Responsibility

• Managing the town’s budget wisely, ensuring responsible use of tax dollars.

• Advocating for policies that maximize the town’s resources and minimize wasteful spending.

• Looking for innovative solutions to maintain or reduce taxes while still improving services.

Diversity and Inclusion

• Creating policies that ensure all residents feel included and heard.

• Supporting programs and services for minority groups, seniors, and under-served populations.

• Promoting equal opportunities for all town residents.

Quality of Life

• Ensuring the town is a safe, welcoming, and enjoyable place to live.

• Providing recreational opportunities, and community gatherings.

• Supporting initiatives that improve the general well-being and happiness of residents.