Government News

Town of Grantsville Awarded 60% Rate Increase by WV PSC

The Grantsville Municipal Water Department has been awarded a requested 60% rate increase in Case No. 24-0755-W-MA.

According to an order dated November 22, 2024 from the WV Public Service Commission, their staff found reason to recommend the 60% rate increase, stating the Town‘s adopted rates and charges, which would generate an increase in revenue and Cash Working Capital Reserve increment of
approximately $151,267 or 29.84% over rates existing prior to this case. Recommended Rates would be sufficient to cover total cash requirements of $465,508, total debt service requirements of $136,387, Cash Working Capital Reserve allowance of $57,978 and a cash surplus of $9,247 to meet the Town’s renewal and replacement reserve requirement. The resulting debt service coverage factor is 151.54%.

This approval came after a petition was filed by local residents believing the rate increase was unjustified.

Ridgeview news reached out to the 2025 Calhoun County Commissioners, asking what their view of the increase was.

Commission President Craig Arthur: “The fixing of some of the big leaks I’m sure will help the town big time. I have not revisited the budget since a couple big leaks that were not known about were fixed.”

Commissioner Jacob McCumbers: “I myself would like to take a bigger look at the financial report, especially since a couple of major leaks were fixed recently. So, at this time, I’m going to defer until I have heard more from the water board and Town of Grantsville reports and only being appointed last week. I will need time to review.

Incoming Commissioner Eric Lupardus: “Having met with many residents of the town, I feel this economy is not stable enough to put the years of mismanagement on the backs of its citizens. While I understand the consolidation will likely incur raises, it gives citizens an opportunity to prepare for it. I fear good folks on fixed incomes who are raising their children and grandchildren simply are maxed out. A good will effort by the town to seek out new businesses to provide livable wage jobs for its citizens would go a long ways to help people afford the raises, first sewer now water and soon 1% city tax on retail goods. A welcoming effort towards Dollar General would be a great start in hopes they would relocate back to Grantsville. I am willing to work with the town on their plan to bring business back here. We only move forward if we work together!”

If you’d like to read the entire report from the WV PSC, click here