Government News

Truth or Fiction? The Facebook Wars have Begun

Facebook is a constant source of information but whether or not it’s the truth is always debatable. It should be expected that elected officials and their family members would know the truth and publish it in the best interest of the community. But unfortunately that is not always the case either.

A noticeable rise in posts have been occurring with the Primary Election just days away and comments are ramping up in opposition to both sides. It’s even more important to stay informed of the facts rather than assuming everyone knows what they’re talking about.

One matter that seems to be misunderstood is the Emergency Services Levy on the Primary Ballot. Below is the Levy up for decision by the County during Tuesday’s Primary Election. This is indeed a very important Levy to pass due to the fact that it “supports” the expenditures of emergency services which Calhoun has a great need of. What it should also make the County aware of is where the greatest share of funding goes and where the accountability should lie.

The failure of this levy could indeed cause the demise of Emergency Services. But a few things to take note of is 62% of this funding goes to the Ambulance service, which also pulls considerable funding from the Frontier Communications and cell phone monthly fees which is likely a few hundred thousand or greater. In addition, of $100,000 in COVID money received by Calhoun County to be used for emergency services, the bulk of that amount went to 911, without regard for other emergency services in the county. This is not to say that all of the received funding isn’t necessary, but it does call into question why our ambulance service is more often than not struggling to cover the county.

The levy also reports the coverage of a Deputy’s salary (and only one deputy) at $38,597.91, yet, Deputy C.J. Myers 2020 Salary was reported at $23,272.00. That leaves over $15,000 of levy funding. Perhaps that is benefits? But the fact that our county asks a deputy to wear a gun and defend our community (and raise his family) for that amount is pathetic.

As Publisher of the Ridgeview News, I encourage you to support the levy by voting yes. We need this funding to secure the safety of our community. But I also encourage you to read the levy, and question when the numbers and the service don’t add up.


That at a regular meeting of the County Commission of the County of Calhoun, State of West Virginia, held on the 14th day of February, 2022, as provided by law, the following order was made and entered of record, to wit:

The County Commission of Calhoun County, being of the opinion that the Maximum Levies for Current Expenses authorized by Article 8, Chapter 11 of the Code of West Virginia, as amended, will not provide sufficient funds for the payment of current expenses of the County Commission, including expenditures for the purpose hereafter set forth, and that an election should be held to increase such levies under the provisions of Section 16, Article 8, Chapter 11 of the Code, as amended, it is hereby ORDERED:1. That the purpose for which additional funds are needed is to provide emergency services, law enforcement, fire protection, funds for the office of emergency services and for the expense of the special election to the citizens of Calhoun County.2. That the approximate amount of each purpose is as follows:

Ambulance Services$258,007.4362.50%
Arnoldsburg Volunteer Fire Department27,617.126.69%
Grantsville Volunteer Fire Department55,234.2313.38%
Upper West Fork Volunteer Fire Department27,617.126.69%
Salary for Deputy Sheriff38,597.919.35%
Office of Emergency Services2,869.040.695%
Contingency Fund (i.e. Election)2,869.040.695%

​​  3. That the annual approximate amount for said purpose is $312,296.10 before estimated tax discounts, exonerations, and delinquencies, and the total amount for the five year levy is $1,561,480.50.4. That the separate and aggregate assessed valuation of class of taxable property within the County of Calhoun is as follows:

Class I.00
Class II103,041,493
Class III247,957,347
Class IV9,651,511

5. That the additional rate of levy in cents per one hundred dollars of assessed valuations on each class of property is as follows:

Class I​​​ ​  4.97 cents

Class II​​​ ​  9.94 cents

Class III​​​​19.88 cents

Class IV​​​​19.88 cents6. That the proposed years to which the additional levy shall apply on the Fiscal Years beginning July 1, 2024, July 1, 2025, July 1, 2026, July 1, 2027 and July 1, 2028.7. That the County Commission will not issue bonds upon approval of the proposed increased levy.8. That the question of such additional levy shall be submitted to a vote at the Election to be held on the 10th day of May, 2022.9. That notice calling such election shall be given by publication of this order at least once each week for two successive weeks before said election in two newspapers of opposite politics and of general circulation in the territory in which the election is held.  If there is only one newspaper published in the county, said publication shall be made therein.  All the provisions of the laws concerning general elections shall apply as far as they are practicable.10. That the ballot to be used at such election shall be in the form as follows:

Ambulance Services$258,007.4362.50%
Arnoldsburg Volunteer Fire Department27,617.126.69%
Grantsville Volunteer Fire Department55,234.2313.38%
Upper West Fork Volunteer Fire Department27,617.126.69%
Salary for Deputy Sheriff38,597.919.35%
Office of Emergency Services2,869.040.695%
Contingency Fund (i.e. Election)2,869.040.695%


“Special election to authorize additional levies for the fiscal years July 1, 2024, July 1, 2025, July 1, 2026, July 1, 2027 and July 1, 2028, for the purpose of providing emergency services, law enforcement, fire protection, funds for the office of emergency services and for the expense of the special election to the citizens of Calhoun County, according the order of the County Commission entered on the 10th day of May, 2022.”

That the approximate amount of each purpose is as follows:

“The additional levy shall be on Class I property 4.97cents per $100.00 (of assessed value); on Class II property 9.94 cents per $100.00 (of assessed value); on Class III property 19.88 cents per $100.00 (of assessed value); and on Class IV property 19.88 cents per $100.00 (of assessed value). 

  For the Levies
  Against the Levies

​Instructions:  Those favoring the additional levies place an (X) in the square before “For the Levies”; those against such levies, place an (X) in the square before “Against the Levies”.

MICHAEL HICKS, Commission President

KEVIN HELMICK, Commissioner
MATTHEW WALKER, Commissioner

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