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We Can Do It!

Of all the places in the world, I highly doubt that there is any place that is filled with as many talented people as Calhoun. There may be some places that are equal, but not greater per capita. And none as eclectic and interesting as “Houners.” Some are home grown, some are transplants, some are just passing through, but there is pool of talent and willingness here that a naysayer could drown in. The only thing that could possibly squash the can-ability is another character trait of Houners and that is doubting their worth. Most have no idea what a treasure they are.

Ask them for help… you’ve got it! Expect them to step up without an invitation, it may not happen.

So to every resident of Calhoun, consider this your invitation. And the list below is why you should step up and say “I can help!!!”

There are very few people who will not be positively affected by the events taking place on the campus of Avalon, also known as the former Calhoun High School in Grantsville. Whitley Cottrell made a social media post with a list of areas that need focusing on right now. In her post were six areas current need.

  • The Daycare Center
    • You may or may not have family or friends that will be using the day care center and Head Start that is currently under construction. But that building and program is going to afford parents in our community to work without having to stress about child care. If you’ve worked and raised children, you likely understand the agony of trying to keep good childcare covered. Not only will the childcare be covered, but there will be jobs and opportunities to volunteer to make that program a blessing for so many!
  • The Private School
    • It’s not for everyone. But if you’re tired of the effect the world has had on inundating your child or grandchildren’s thoughts with ideas and ideals that don’t align with your family values, this could be the answer. Not only that, but the focus of education will return to giving our children hope for the future in an ever changing world, but not change the children. Can I get an amen on that?
  • The Entrepreneur Zone
    • When I speak of local talent, this is the area that Calhoun cannot only shine, but put some bling in the pockets of artisans, agriculturalists, bakers, and so many others. Their skills can be turned into money expand the opportunity for locals to sell their products and services to thos who need them. when the basement level of the Old School is transformed into a shopping center that will attract people from everywhere we’ll be building the economy from inside and out.
  • The Recovery Zone
    • I don’t think there is a family that I know of who has not been affected by substance abuse either directly or indirectly. It is the most heartbreaking of situations and addressing it has been sorely lacking. The recovery zone will offer those who have struggled themselves or had a person they loved struggle the chance to become engaged with like minded and focused people in a safe space.
  • Lampost/Beautification Project
    • Yes, We’ve all been waiting. Patience is not always our virtue, but the waiting will be worth it. Crystal Mersh has resourced the lamp posts to give the community the best bang for their buck! It’s taken some time, but it’s close… very close!!!! And the Hallmark Christmas event this year will be straight out of the Christmas movies, but in our own home town of Grantsville.
  • Once a Houner, Always a Houner
    • There was a time when we knew everyone in the Calhoun area. Not so much anymore, they’ve been many newbies moving in. They’ve fallen in love with our community and our people and they too want to be involved in our story of success. I haven’t met one yet that didn’t fit in like an old glove! Houner’s are friendly, welcoming and they make the best neighbors. We have to start viewing our entire county as our neighbors. Working cohesively to help our families stay together and have new and profitable opportunities.
  • We can do it because we’ve got Calhoun Can-ability.

Every area on that list needs committed people to see those projects through to fruition. In 2025 we could be standing on the Avalon Campus making national headlines. If local, State and National politicians want to be a part of the story, they need to help write it. Otherwise, they wont’ even get an honorable mention. If the community wants change we have to make it happen and that begins by becoming involved. Watch the Ridgeview for opportunities to volunteer. When they come tell them, “I can help!” And then show up.

The full social media post of Whitley Cottrell is worth repeating:

Needing to Clarify a few things that have been assumed after the announcement of not receiving grants….

  2. Brick & Lampost donations are completely seperate from construction and all donations for them will be used as dedicated. Lampost Installation will begin as soon the order arrives.(will need lots of Hands for this)
  3. The 1982 Foundation is not asking for the community to fund any part of the completion of the project. We are asking for the community to put some sweat equity, fundraising strategies, organization, and planning to work to help with start up of the areas listed below.
  4. Calhoun has been gifted a 10 million dollar facility from the Mersh’s for the benefit of the County and surrounding areas. It is up to the community to pull ourselves up by our bootstraps and take advantage of this once in a lifetime opportunity for our generation and the one we are raising.

⬇️Below are the areas we will need to focus on starting up and organizing.

-Private School
-Entrepreneur Zone
-Lampost/ Beautification
-Once a Houner, Always a Houner

🔴 @everyone Please comment below where you are interested in being involved or can help!!
Once we get an idea of where we are in interest we can start planning meetings and get the ball rolling!


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