According to the WV Higher Education Policy Commission, In order to meet the state’s employers and to facilitate continued economic growth, it is estimated that nearly two thirds of working aged adults will need to hold a high quality, postsecondary credential. To meet this demand, West Virginia has embarked on an outreach campaign called ”West Virginia Climb.” with a goal of increasing the state’s education attainment rate to 60 percent by the year 2030. The current rate of West Virginia is at 43%. The College-going rate of the class of 2020 was 48.2%. A look into where Calhoun places in that rate is at 15%.

The number of Associate degrees and Certificates awarded to Calhoun students in the 20/21 Academic year was less than 10, and the number of Bachelor’s degrees awarded was at 13.

With the previous numbers looking on the bleak side of the issue, an overall look of the past decade of college attendance numbers gives a different perspective and more hope for the future of our youth. Although the rate was higher in 2010 with 58.6% of our graduates going to college, there was a great decline in the years between then and now, reaching the lowest point of 26.2% in 2017. However, the current rate for 2021 is back up to 43.3%.