West Virginia Clean and Beautiful is a coalition of concerned citizens dedicated to protecting the safety of our water and the beauty of our land. We embrace the need for economic opportunity close to home and we reject the notion that this needs to come at the expense of our environment, health or way of life. We oppose any effort to weaken or dismantle local regulations by the state legislature. We want decisions about our neighborhoods and homes made at the local level, not in Charleston.
We will accomplish this by keeping our neighbors informed about opportunities to advance these goals and challenges to them.
Please take time to read this message concerning Senate Bill 171 and the attachments. The bill intends to remove the authority of County Commissions in determining the use of agricultural operations in their communities. The state has expanded the definition of agriculture to include many non-traditional categories including wood products. This affects not only counties with substantial agricultural lands but the entire state.
The bill currently is assigned to the House Government Organization Committee. If passed from that committee, it will be assigned to the Judiciary Committee. We would ask that you publish an article or editorial to oppose the passage of this legislation and urge your readers to ask their delegate to vote against the bill. Your help is greatly appreciated and very much needed. Thank you.
For more information, visit the website of WV Clean and Beautiful at https://wvcleanbeautiful.com/ or the organization’s Facebook page.