C A L H O U N C O U N T Y S C H O O L S Calhoun County Board of Education MOUNT ZION, WEST VIRGINIA July 10, 2023 Regular Board Meeting 5:30 P.M. *AMENDED* I. Call to Order II. Pledge of Allegiance III. Recognitions – Student Recognitions IV. Board Acknowledgements V. Delegations • Chip Westfall and Deirdre Purdy – Lights and Sound Project VI. Approval of June Read More…
The 1982 Foundaion and Ridgeview News are hosting an opportunity for the citizens of Calhoun County to make their concerns known to those who have been or will be elected to serve in a public office for the citizens of Calhoun County. At 1:00 p.m. today Crystal Mersh, President of the 1982 founation and Kyerstan Read More…
Submitted by Kevin Cunningham Photo by Blue Skys Studio Calhoun Youth Football travelled to Roane County on Saturday September 30th looking to bounce back from a rough weekend against Elk River last week. And bounce back they did. The Little Red Devils walked away with a 4 game swee of the Little Raiders and secured Read More…