Hunting/Fishing News


For Release: March 10, 2022
Contact: Andy Malinoski,

SOUTH CHARLESTON, W.VA. — The West Virginia Division of Natural Resources (WVDNR) is conducting a survey of state residents and their hunting participation and success rates for various species to help manage wildlife populations and hunting opportunities in the state. The study will include licensed hunters, license-exempt hunters and state residents among the general population.

“With this study, WVDNR will collect data on hunting participation rates and opinions about the state’s deer population from both hunters and non-hunters,” said WVDNR Wildlife Resources Section Chief Paul Johansen. “If you are contacted about the study, please consider participating and assist WVDNR in measuring hunting participation, harvest success and opinions about the deer population.”
WVDNR has contracted with Responsive Management, a research firm that specializes in conducting surveys on fish and wildlife, natural resources and outdoor recreation issues. Responsive Management will be contacting WV hunters and residents by phone, text or email. Phone calls will be from a Charleston area phone number.

The study will continue through the end of March. Analysis of responses is anticipated to be completed by fall. Results from the study will be used to make hunting and trapping recommendations to the WV Natural Resources Commission.