
1982 Foundation Continues Their Renewing Efforts in spite of Naysaying Opposition

Little Kanawha River, 1982 Foundation Property, Grantsville, West Virginia

To Renew: Defined on the web as:

re·new, /rəˈn(y)o͞o/verb

  1. 1. resume (an activity) after an interruption. “the parents renewed their campaign to save the school”

It’s been a 22 year interruption since the old Calhoun County Schools property has had much attention. A few projects here and there, but nothing consistent and little maintenance. But as winter encroaches on the weather suitable for outdoor activities, The 1982 Foundation continues to try and get as much done as possible before the snow flies in preparation for the spring of 2023 which has hopes of beginning the pool project. A project fought so hard and gallantly for by local youth and citizens.

Every organization should be so blessed to have the volunteer base of hours and faith in the effort that the Foundation has created. In just over a year Crystal Mersh and her organization has done what the political faction could have done, but chose to sit idle.

Sound harsh and judgmental? It’s okay if you think that, I’ve been accused of that before. Whether or not you agree with me take into consideration not only the physical labor that Crystal and her warriors have put into the School Project but consider this:

  • 2 million Dollars in personal funds donated to the School project from Robin and Crystal Mersh
  • Over $100,000.00 in contributions from her company Quality Executive Partners based in Atlanta, Georgia to make Christmas really special for Calhoun kids last year
  • $180,000.00 in Scholarships for Calhoun Students
  • Life changing Internships for the scholarship recipients
  • $15,000.00 to the Calhoun Middle High School Sports Programs
  • $7,000.00 to the Calhoun County Wood Festival
  • Unmentioned thousands to other local organizations and people
  • $32,000 made by crafters at the Christmas Market last year promoted and organized by the 1982 Foundation
  • Constant contacts with State and National Leaders to bring attention to Calhoun County
  • Attending numerous local meetings to offer her assistance with “their”projects
  • Restoring hope that had been all but lost
  • This list could go on…

Crystal Mersh has never asked for, nor received accolades for her efforts. Not so much as a thank you from people in power.

And yet, people of Calhoun claiming to be “concerned,” have called her a scam, personally attacked her and her family and attempted to thwart every effort she has made for the improvement of her hometown. While I love a good underdog story, I don’t think I’d call Crystal Mersh the underdog. She’s been a warrior, raising a county of soldiers who have decided they want their County back. Powers have been threatened, not by Crystal, but by loss of control.

Whether or not you personally like Crystal Mersh is of no concern to the Ridgeview News. We live in a free country where opinions are allowed. Praise God for the 1st Amendment that “as of today” still exists. But if you are a political leader and have failed to recognize the contributions that The 1982 Foundation and Crystal Mersh have made to the bettering of this county, you are a failure. You have failed to consider who you serve and what your purpose was for being elected, appointed or hired by tax dollars of Calhoun County citizens. Name one elected official who has put forth any where close the aforementioned effort to get Calhoun County respectably on the map. Personalities clash. We all understand that. But that does not excuse refusal to act and support local citizens.

I would love to see what could be accomplished if petty, political persons put aside personal opinions and pulled together for their people.

An opinion of the Publisher of The Ridgeview News, Shari Johnson. Proud citizen of Calhoun County, West Virginia
