The 61st Annual Calhoun County Wood Festival kicked off in Grantsville, WV at 10 a.m. on Thursday, June 1st, 2023 with the opening of booths and vendors. Multiple booths feature hand made crafts, with many talented woodcrafters selling their wares. In addition to the crafters the Wood Festival event hosted local and regional talent for Gospel Night with a great crowd attending the event.
Multiple awards were given throughout the evening and the Crowing of Mr. And Miss Woodchuck for each elementary school. (Separate Stories to come.)
Ridgeview News will be covering the events of this evening live and will feature vendors throughout the day. Heat exhaustion for both Ridgeview and my Phone kept me from live coverage last night, but I’ll try to be better prepared today!
Kudo’s to the Calhoun County Wood Festival Committee for organizing a wonderful event for Calhoun County!!!
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