Government News Politics

And In Response to Mrs. Purdy

Ridgeview News has been asked on multiple occasion, why I allow Deirdre Purdy’s column to run on my news site. A news site that is committed to printing only truth.

I have to say, I struggled with that. Even though I make no denials that I am a conservative woman. Republican leader and Christian publication, I still want to allow the freedom of speech that the Democrat Party has tried to annihilate. If they want their Democrats to believe the garbage that’s being spewed out of Washington, D.C. they have the right to put it out there. But I have the right to correct what I believe is wrong.

In her opening Statement, Mrs. Purdy said:

“We are governed by our Constitution and the laws made under it.  The rule of law guarantees that the rights of everyone in a democracy will be equally acknowledged and protected.”

Our system of government is best described as a constitutional republic not a democracy. Power is not found in mere majorities, but in carefully balanced power. Under our Constitution, passing a bill in the House of Representatives—the body most reflective of current majority views—isn’t enough for it to become law.

Mrs. Purdy went on to say:

Trump has been stress-testing the American justice system.  The rule of law hangs in the balance. Suits have been brought across the country under Section 3 of the 14thAmendment, the “disqualification clause,” which states that anyone who engaged in insurrection cannot hold any office, civil or military, under the United States.”

Trump has been “Stress Testing?” Removing a candidate from ballots doesn’t so much deprive the candidate their candidacy as deprive the voters their choice. Not only is it a deprivation of Pres. Trump’s rights without due process and presumption of innocence, as he is not convicted of insurrection, but it is also an infringement on every member of those states’ electorates right to vote.

Mrs Purdy called Trump out on the following:

“Trump calls those who are incarcerated “political prisoners” and “hostages,” denying the validity of their indictments, guilty pleas, and trials.”

There are still at least 40 prisoners awaiting trial with questionable treatment in the federal prison. What else would you call them having been denied due process for two years. They’re being denied due process because of a democrat political agenda and one would think that an attorney (which although retired, Mrs. Purdy is) would be an unbiased defender of the rights of an American citizen regardless of their politics.

And on she went:

The Trumpian notion that the President is above the law is deeply un-American.  In 2000, the Supreme Court made a political decision although there was no legal question presented.  In 2024, the Court is faced with a straightforward legal issue: does the Constitution bar an insurrectionist from running for President?If the Supreme Court refuses to apply the clear words of the Constitution and disqualify insurrectionist Trump from the presidential ballot, but instead makes a political ruling to allow him to run, we will know that Trump’s arrogant disdain for the rule of law spreads and grows stronger as the rule of law weakens and threatens the very foundations of our republic. 

The Trumpian Notion that a President is above the law?

Let’s talk Bidenomics. How about the “10% for the Big Guy (President Biden)” from his son. The laptop that FBI members, signed a letter suggesting that it was fake, even though many knew it was real. A laptop with information regarding Hunter’s former business associate Tony Bobulinski who communicated with the president’s son about a lucrative joint venture with Chinese nationals. But by all means, let’s focus on Trumpian notions. Not these facts and multiple others that could likely lead to treason charges if fully and truthfully investigated.

I could park on this stage for days regarding the ethics of running such political banter. I will not tell you that Trump or any other National Republican is without issues. I have not focused on the National politics, because as an active citizen I am far more concerned about the local politics. We have got to clean up Calhoun County before we can do anything with the State or the Nation. We have to have political leaders in place that are willing to take our plight on the road and make known what we need and what we expect from State and National leaders. We need voices and backbones.


3 Replies to “And In Response to Mrs. Purdy

  1. You allow Mrs. Purdy’s comments because you appreciate good humor and she is one f the best at writing humorous things I have seen. A veritable Calhoun Onion.

    1. I agree with everything Shari has posted. Those of us who call MAGA our party have been saying qeverything she has shared and more. She is also right in stating the fact that we could take these issues deeper and wider, but it would be like writing a tome. So we try to put our agendas together in a concise,understable format that explains our position, as Shari did here. Diedre and the left are as entitled to their opinions doctrine as the Republicans and the right are and MAGA and the extreme rightare to theirs. Ridgeview News allows each side to present their views and let the voters decide. That is the American way. Unfortunately, most of us are aware of the ballot counting issues and maneuvering and that is a major problem. Despite the rhetoric, there are those of us who believe unless this is fixed, then all else is moot anyway. Whether locally or nationally. When we hear candidates say forget 2020 and just move on we are fixing it now, MAGA will not back them because it is the same line the Republicans tell us all the time. Just hold your nose, vote for their candidate and the party will hold them in line. This is why we are where we are now. Any doubts? How do the names Romney, McDaniels, Liz Cheney just to mention a few working out? MAGA will not support RINOS locally, statewide or nationally. As far as Calhoun County we agree with Shari, things have just went along for years ( at least thats what I have been told) and people are educating themselves and getting politically involved. That was one of the reasons we started the Republican club. Also why we are bringing MAGA out. Hopefully MAGA can support whoever the Republicans back. If not, we will put forth our candidates and agenda and let the voters decide. Locally, the town halls are going to be very intersting and I hope the people come with their questions. Especially after recent ereserve. vents . Thats why I am thankful to Shari for having the journalists quest for truth , unlike many other media outlets. Many people served, died and sacrificed blood, sweat and tears for people to have the right to vote their beliefs and conscience. That is the America I grew up and sacrificed for and the one Mag wishes to preserve. God bless.

  2. Donald Trump has ‘not’ been found guilty in any courtroom for insurrection. Unless that happens he is innocent. Any action based on a guilty assumption should be illegal in itself. However many things are being misconstrued and done illegally at this time with seemingly no recompense. Not only sad but fearful!

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