WHO AM I? I am Roger Propst and I reside on Phillips Run, Center District, approximately two miles from Grantsville. I have spent the greater part of my life in Calhoun County. I was born in Grantsville, WV in 1947 but my family moved to Parkersburg shortly afterward.Following my dad’s death when I was four years young, our mother, Edna Ferrell Propst, relocated to her home county, in the town of Grantsville where she raised me and my two brothers as a single mother. I am a graduate of Calhoun County High School, Class of 1965 and graduated from Glenville State College as it was known at that time with a Bachelor’s Degree in Education, and an Associate of Arts Degree in Business. While employed as Director of Support Services for Calhoun County Schools, I attended post graduate evening classes at West Virginia University, earning my Masters’ Degree in Administration in 1982.
I am married to the former Loretta Hathaway. We are the parents of Jennifer Lynn and Gregory Allen Propst who now make Heaven their home. I have a deep and abiding faith in my Savior, Jesus Christ. Without him, Loretta and I would not have survived the loss of our two children.We have five grandchildren and their partners and are blessed with thirteen great-grandchildrenwith the addition of baby boy Propst scheduled for arrival in April 2024. These images of our own children are a daily encouragement to Loretta and me in this life we now live.
WHAT CAN I DO FOR OUR COUNTY? I currently serve on the Commission, having been appointed by Commissioners Arthur and Helmick to fill the vacancy created by Commissioner Matt Walker relocating outside Calhoun County. I attended my first meeting in November 2023. The term will end with the November 2024 General Election. It has been a great honor for me to represent the county and take an active role with my fellow commissioners. In my brief time on the Commission, I have endeavored to bring complete transparency of commission actions to the citizens of Calhoun County, concentrating on strict adherence to the West Virginia Open Meetings Act. In addition, I have taken the lead in developing a policy for processing fund requests from outside not-for-profit corporations. The purpose of the policy is to ensure proper use of the citizens’ tax dollars with accountability by the organizations. This policy will be up for a vote at the next regular commission meeting in February. The County Commission’s primary role is to serve the citizens of Calhoun County, not the other way around. I respectfully seek your vote in the May 2024 Primary Election and can assure you I will serve our people with honesty and integrity.
Having been a resident of Calhoun County for seventy-six trips around the sun, I believe we have turned a corner as a county and are now laying the foundation for many exciting things to happen. I see the enthusiasm of our people and a can-do attitude that I have not seen since the boom years of life in Calhoun County. This is how we will confront obstacles, if not straight-out obstruction, in our quest to improve the economy, and lifestyles of our citizens. Calhoun County was recently listed by the State of West Virginia as third in registrations of new small businesses in the state. Who would of “thunk it”? Growth and increasing the tax base is the answer to the revitalization of our county.
I am excited and ready to dream higher and work harder to improve the lives of all of us “Houners.” Please join me on this journey, and with enthusiasm, grit, and perseverance that I know Calhouners have, we will move this county onward and upward.
Please call me at 304-354-6293(H), 1-304-373-6035(C) or email: rpropst@frontiernet.net if you have concerns or questions. Together we will make things better for all of us.