Guest Writers News

Creston News

Rev. Kevin Gillespie filled his regular appointment at the Burning Springs M. E. Church.

The big spring Creston ATV poker run will be April 27.  Biscuits & gravy will start out the day and there will be new tee shirts.

Creston continued to have spring weather with trilliums, sessile trilliums, dog toothed violets, white violets, yellow violets, apple trees and other things in bloom.  Then, on Thursday there was “an excess” of rain causing local flash flooding.  It was reported that the water coming out of Burning Springs Run was up on the steps of the church and there were similar situations elsewhere.

Both the West Fork and the main Little Kanawha came up blocking W. Va. 5 going toward Grantsville and of course Ann’s Run, Woodring, Little Creek & the Richardsonville roads.  The water was the highest it had been in several years.  As might be expected, electric, telephone & internet “service” was interrupted.

Last year the state road removed the two culverts under the road at the mouth of Pete’s Run and replaced them with one.   Back in the days of yore, management staff who determined the proper size of culverts went to school to learn how to do the math to properly size culverts [and spaces under bridges].  Some had arithmetic problems so a computer program was prepared for culvert replacement.  The two old culverts, both of which seemed be good, were destroyed.  Now, long story short, the culvert was unable to handle the flow of Pete’s Run so water came over the road like as a dam and washed out about half of the roadway even undercutting the blacktop that was the surface.  There are now road closed signs.

Austin Grimmett, who is running for Prosecuting Attorney, was campaigning in Creston and surveyed the damaged road situation.  Pete’s Run was named for Revolutionary War soldier & patriot Peter McCune and he is one of Austin’s ancestors.

Klaus Schwab’ WEF (World Economic Forum) & their US toadies haven’t yet banned the peasants from driving private automobiles for work and pleasure.  Thus, it is worth a drive up to I-79 to see the red buds which are spectacular between the Flatwoods exit and Coon Knob [where 4 lane US 19 heads south].  Little Jimmy Wriston’s out of state buddies and their tree trimming scam didn’t cut them down.  Pioneer gas man Godrey L. Cabot who lived on Beacon Street in Boston always made it a point to journey to W. Va. when the red buds were in their prime.

Tom Mowrey is not doing well at all.

The Thursday storm caused a tree to hit Phillip Dennis’s home doing extensive damage.

The wood boring bumble bees are now out in force.

A prominent upper West Fork gentleman was attending to business in Creston at the mouth of the West Fork.  He noted that when he was attending Calhoun County High School that in his senior year he had 3 hours without classes.  He had learned how to cut hair and at the time “flat tops” were “the” thing.  He set up a tonsorial parlour in the school bus garage and students could get a haircut for just 50 cents that was just as good as the $1 cut at Grantsville’s two barbers. One day he was called to principal Roy J. Stump’s office and he wondered why.  In the office was state trooper Haynes and Prosecuting Attorney Stanley d’Orazio.  d’Orazio gave him what for because he was cutting hair without “training” and a license and that there was danger from disease and there was a chance for a long visit up at the Big House in Moundsville.  Needless to say the young entrepreneur was thoroughly scared.  When he got on the school bus that afternoon the driver said, “We know what happened. Don’t worry as we will protect you as there are 7 of us & they are not coming for you.”  Of course the school bus drivers all got free hair cuts.

Kathy Arthur has been on the sick list.

Area residents have been feasting on morel mushrooms and ramps.

Several area folks attended the SOOGA [Southeastern Ohio Oil & Gas Assocation] meeting over near Marietta.  Brooksville’s Winnie Sinnett is the president.  There was a lot of talk about all the crazies trying to shut down “fossil fuels” and it was noted that likely there will not be any more big pipelines taking local gas away to markets elsewhere. It was noted that the big “chip” factory planned for Columbus will require a vast amount of energy and windmills & solar panels are not in the running.  Bill Gates and the big tech folks are “agin us” but now they have no choice.  The Shale Crescent folks have been trying to have manufacturing here that uses methane, ethane, propane, etc. as a feedstock but dingbats & grifters think that things should be made in China.  The Nucor steel plant claims that solar panels will run the plant but such might light up the welcome sign.  Those who follow real business note that world demand for crude oil will not peak before 2030.  Along those lines drilling in the wet Marcellus in W. Va. shows no sign of a letup.  A chart was presented showing that now the price/mcf of natural gas here was $1.80 compared to $15.00 in both Europe & the orient.

An oil & gas owner in another county was offered 14% net royalty and binding arbitration as the “final & best offer”, thanks to the sell out by the W. Va. legislature and Baldy Blair.  Across the river in Ohio, Barnesville was offered a lease bonus of $7,500/acre with 20% royalty and the offer was rejected as being too low.

The W. Va. State Treasurer’s Office has banned more financial institutions for being in ESG and against W. Va. & its citizens.  The new ones are Citigroup. TD Bank, Northern Trust and Chinese owned HSBC.

The price of local Pennsylvania grade crude rose o $84.66/bbl. with condensate fetching $66.66/bbl. with Marcellus & Utica light bringing $75.66 and medium $84.66/bbl.  The Henry Hub (Louisiana) price of natural gas was $1.77/MMBTU.
