All around Town the folks are preparing for the Calhoun County Wood Festival that will kick off on Thursday, June 6th, 2024 in Grantsville.

Tents are ready to be filled with vendors who hope to sell their goods to the festival consumers. Tent booths around the courthouse will be filled with many local vendors, while the street and trailer vendors are commercial vendors who travel about to various events.

A 37 year veteran of the of commercial vendors is Teddy and Carol Gross who are well known to regular festival attendees. Their funnel cakes are well known, much enjoyed and much anticipated by those who come to the festival. Teddy told Ridgeview that this could be his final year of being on the road as a vendor as he plans to retire next year. Teddy is quite the fun personality and a worthy stop at this year’s event.

Another well participated event is the Bingo Booth conducted by the Grantsville Lions Club. For decades the sounds of “Bingos” have echoed from the booth as neighbors, friends and those returning to the community catch up and enjoy the weekend festivities.

In the sweltering heat of Tuesday the Myers Amusement carnival employees prepared the rides and games. The current weather forcast is looking favorable for Friday and Saturday, but a chance of rain on Thursday may dampen the spirits of fair weather goers for opening day (But never the die hard fans.)

An interesting display on the porch of Stump Funeral Home is a hearse of another era.
The sights and sounds of the Wood Festival officially begins on Thursday at 10 a.m., although there is currently Bingo and a few additional booths open ahead of the officials days.