Court Crimes/Punishment News

Hardman’s Ask Judge for Maximum Sentencing in Afternoon Session of Court

Judge Anita Harold Ashley continued court the afternoon of July 23, 2024 in Calhoun Circuit Court. 

Jody Alan Satterfield appeared with Attorney John Balenovich to enter his plea in case 24F18, charging Attempted Arson and Attempted First Degree Murder. Satterfield entered a not guilty plea. The case is continued for Pretrial on September 5, 2024 at 9:45 a.m. with a Trial date of November 19, 2024 at 9 a.m.

Thomas Roberts appeared for arraignment in case 24F17 charging Failure to Provide Support for a Minor with Defense Attorney, Daniel Minardi. Roberts entered a plea of not guilty. The case was continued for pretrial on September 5, 2024 at 10 a.m. and for trial at October 22, 2024 at 9 a.m. 

Joseph Earl Yoak entered a guilty plea to the charges of “Failure to register as a sex offender and Possession of a Firearm by a Prohibited person” in in 24F6 on April 16, 2024 and appeared July 23, 2024 for sentencing. Attorney Daniel Minardi argued that Yoak had a very limited criminal history, and because of that, he desired home incarceration and a concurrent non maximum sentencing. 

Prosecuting Attorney Michael Hicks argued that Yoak had also been red flagged by a specialized unit of the WV State Police for behavior not a part of this case. The specialized unit has an ongoing investigation of electronics belonging to Yoak that are currently at forensics. 

Hicks stated that Joseph Yoak had failed to register his phone number and that the probation officer, Alicia Lawson, had  found other items in his home that caused concern for someone with Mr. Yoak’s history to possess.  P.A. Hicks recommended maximum sentencing to be served consecutively. Based on his recommendation, Judge Ashley sentenced accordingly sentencing 5 years on the gun charge and 1-5 years on the charge of failure to register, both to run consecutive. He was given credit for 474 days he has already served. 

The final cases of the day was co defendants Ryan K. and Ellio Hardman. Case numbers 24F3 and 24F4 were set for pretrial, but Prosecuting Attorney Michael Hicks informed Judge Ashley that after consultation, the defendants had determined that a plea agreement was in the best interest of the children involved in this case. The couple did not want to open up the children to  old wounds of what they had been through. 

Ryan K. Hardman agreed to enter a guilty plea to one count of Conspiracy to Commit a felony facing a sentence of 1-5 years and up to a $10,000 fine. 

Ellio Hardman agreed to enter a guilty plea to one count of Child Neglect Resulting in child endangerment or risk of death facing a sentence of 1-5 years and up to a $3,000 fine.  

P.A. Hicks said that it was the State’s opinion that this is the best way to resolve this case, adding that much of the information discovered about other conduct in a companion case would be out of the State of West Virginia’s jurisdiction. The State requested that both receive the maximum sentence. 

Both defense Attorneys, Belenovich and Minardi, agreed with Prosecuting Attorney Hick’s recommendation stating that the defendant’s would like to be sentenced immediately. 

Judge Ashley declined stating that she would follow normal protocol of having a pre-sentence investigation before announcing a sentence. 

The Defense Attorneys, on behalf of the defendants, argued that the defendants believed that this was in the best interest of getting closure if they were sentenced immediately. 

Judge Ashley spoke to both defendants, inquiring if they understood the consequences of pleading to such serious charges. Both defendants responded that they understood, telling the Judge (at her request) what they were guilty of.

Mr. Hardman said that he failed to take care of his children, allowing his daughter to jump out of a second story window without his knowledge. Mrs. Hardman stated the same and that they had allowed the child to be endangered by jumping out the window, crossing a highway alone and were not aware she was gone until she was returned by the WV State Police.

The two again requested immediate sentencing of the maximum sentence allowed. 

Judge Ashley followed by sentencing the maximum of 1-5 years in prison and charged both court costs. 
