Guest Writers News

Creston News

Mrs. Kevin Gillespie brought the message at the Burning Springs M.E. Church since her husband was up until 4 A. M. With his 89 year old father Silvester in the emergency room.

Garnet was shopping in Pettyville and noticed a Creston resident.  She said to say hello to Nancy and put it in the Creston news.

Dry weather continues with, in some parts of the state corn that will not now make ears.  The governor has announced a drought emergency. Older residents will remember their family talking about the drought years back in the 1930s when there was also extreme heat.  Some swarmy politicians blamed it all on Hoover “because he hated poor people”.  The current outrageous ‘stories’ are nothing new. “I was never in charge of the border.”  Along those lines the nation just watched a bloodless coup de tat.  “You will step down and read these words or else!”

JAMA [Journal of the American Medical Association] noted that the US has 5% of the world’s population but had 15% of the world’s COVID 19 deaths.  $billions had been spent over the years to prevent/deal with medical emergencies, pandemics & plandemics but all this was for naught because of corrupt culture, greed, self importance, scientific misconduct and outright fraud. Wuhan was chosen as the place to do the research as it was “cheaper” and was not where prying eyes could observe or supervise. It was also leaned that Canada gave vials of 7 strains of Ebola to the Chinese communist germ warfare lab along with vials of Hendra & Ripah viruses. Then there are the “biolabs” in Ukraine that have ties to the first family.

Some local folks had planned to watch the Olympics but after the opening number making fun of Christians and actually mocking God folks determined that there were better ways to spend one’s time.

The Creston Neighborhood Watch was busy Saturday evening. 

A town in Pennsylvania turned down a Marcellus lease that offered only $1,500/acre bonus & 16% royalty.  World class oil & gas should receive 25% gross royalty but the kleptocrats down at the Mouth of the Elk are allowing the big boys to force folks to sign 14% net leases with no payments for liquids.

EQT which is now the largest producer of natural gas in the nation announced that the plan is to increase the volume of gas going through MVP ( Mountain Valley Pipeline) from 2 bcf/day [billion cubic feet] to 2.5 bcf/day.  Presently the Henry Hub price of gas is $2.01/MMBTU.

CNX, part of the Rockefeller empire, announced that they are selling CNG (compressed natural gas) on one of their well pads and not using a compressor.

Local folks are excited at the possibility of a real business opportunity for Calhoun County using the abandoned military facility in the Big [Knight] Bend on the way to Brooksville.

Mrs. Jennifer Grandholm, the US DOE [Department of Energy] boss has announced that there can be no natural gas or heating oil facilities in now buildings that fall under national building code guidelines for “zero emissions”.

The price of local Pennsylvania grade crude dipped to $77.28/bbl. With condensate fetching just $59.28/bbl. And Marcellus & Utica light bringing $66.28/bbl.
