
Why is there very little other news in Calhoun County besides Mrs. Mersh?

Below is a letter that Crystal Laughlin Mersh published on her personal Facebook Page and I, as Publisher of the Ridgeview News, totally stole without her permission. But we are friends, so I’m sure it’s okay. I preface this post with the statement ”we are friends” because that’s important in this day and age when friendship and words seem to be relative to the day and circumstance. People use the word “friend” far too lightly. The News about Crystal Mersh and the 1982 Foundation has far less to do with friendship than it does the fact that it’s newsworthy. How long has it been since we have seen this excitement level in Calhoun County. I am 59 years old, I cannot remember a time. That’s a sad indictment in itself.

The letter below is indicative of who Crystal is. She’s very human. She’s a ”Houner” that we can all identify with and know that she understands what it means to grow up in this community. She has not ever deserved the treatment that she has received from the Calhoun County Commission and I hope by running this letter, you, the reader, will understand her point of view. And that of her husband, children and family.

Of course this is an opinion piece, and you are entitled to yours. But my opinion is our County is better than the Commissioners have presented us to be. And the reason there is so very little news in Calhoun County is because of our declining economy and an attitude of indifference that had all but consumed us until Crystal Mersh came home.

Dear friends,
An early morning here and my tooth is hurting where I have failed to take the time to get my temporary crown replaced with the permanent.

My heart is hurting for many reasons. Folks seem to think I am bullet proof. I am not. Folks seem to think, I have all the answers, I do not. Folks seem to think that I am retired from the work force, I am not. Folks seems to think they have the right to question anything and everything about this project, frankly they do not.
I believe for the most part I have been patient and I have been kind, and I have answered thousands of questions over and over. Have I gotten frustrated with our county leaders? Sure I have. My frustration comes from the fact that I see so many people working so hard and I have seen the opportunities that are here, and no matter how hard I tried, these leaders ignored me and frankly some even insulted our efforts and continue to do so.
What many of you do not even know……in October, we had a private meeting with the commissioners, where we shared the details of the project. We asked nothing of them but the return of the field to the main property which was given to the county for the express purposes of recreation for the county. I told them that they have an incredible opportunity to be heros and will be known across the state for leading a program that will become the model across Appalachia. I never once thought that they would not have interest in this.
I have been accused of using “loop holes” ……no everything proposed was within the WV code and confirmed as acceptable by the AG. I have been accused of trying to steal the field. I have heard people say “just let her have her swimming pool”. I have heard rumors that my company has issues and liens against it….it does not and never has. And the latest was an accusation was that the foundation is a ponzi scheme on which I will not even comment other than to say…..if it is a ponzi scheme then it is the worst ponzi scheme in the world considering the direction of the cash flow. And this morning, I even saw a post that referenced my pet.
Why would I want to continue to do this? Somedays I wonder myself. After seeing the response of the last few days, my husband is rather of the opinion just to close the project and take the tax write off ….and allow the building to sit vacant. My family have seen the comments and they have held their tongue. I feel badly for subjecting my family to this; they certainly do not deserve this either. If you think it is easy for 3 grown men (my sons) to see their mother constantly criticized for having a kind heart and acting upon it…..I assure you it is not.
I simply cannot see why anyone especially our leaders would not want better for their children. My husband and I have been blessed with the financial means to get this project started and to have matching funds for grants which is a really big deal. As you know we have already contributed well over $1million and we know that we will need to double that to complete the project. And we are again grateful to have the means to do this, and if not for those who made a difference in my young life as a child, we would not have these means….so yes I want to do something for the next generation. And I have been ridiculed, questioned, insulted, and accused of hidden agendas for doing so.
Not once have these leaders acknowledged the value of the community center, said thank you or lifted a finger to make phone calls after many requests for them to do so.
And while yes it hurts my heart for how I have been personally treated, it hurts me more for how our children have been valued or rather not valued.
To my dear friends, I appreciate your support and kindness that you have extended to me and my family…..and our whole 1982 Foundation team which includes of Board of Directors, Board of Advisors, and most importantly our very very hard working opertional team that makes everything we do a success.
To those who want to give “input” from far away or even here at home without investing any support or effort, I ask you to consider why you are even interested. If you want a seat at the table and to have your suggestions taken seriously, then get involved, contribute, provide support, encouragement…….and we know who has and who has not.
So I am sorry if this is a little heavy, but it is a little heavy and it did not need to be this way.
I appreciate my friends and the people who are working their guts out to make our community all that it can be.
I thought you might want to know how I am feeling…..as the tears roll down my face.
All my very best to each of you,

2 Replies to “Why is there very little other news in Calhoun County besides Mrs. Mersh?

  1. Eh, welcome to Calhoun….. My best advice? Prove them wrong. Show them how wrong they are.

    1. How can you help? I am not interested in proving anyone wrong, but rather getting all involved to improve the county’s circumstance. Just want to be clear on my motives…..I would not have came back here for trivial matters.

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