By Barry A. Miller

Amateur Radio.
Now that you have a Technician License what’s next? There are so many things to do with a tech license you may well be satisfied with that. Besides FM Voice there are many digital with computer and much more. There are contests available to a technician license. If you decide to upgrade the next step is General. A General ticket gives the operator access to HF (High Frequencies) with the ability to talk, literally, around the world. Arguably the most used band to talk worldwide is the twenty meter band. The twenty meter band is 14.0 to 14.35 MHZ with General class on 14.225 to 14.350. A General Class Operator has privileges on all the Amateur radio plans. It opens up so much to the operator. Message passing, Radio Based email available worldwide contest and more. If you are a Technician Classed Operator Consider upgrading!
By The Way there is no code (Mores Code) Required for General Class License.

A word from the ARRL. (The Amateur Radio Relay League)
Amateur Radio is regulated by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) under the Communications Act of 1934. It is also subject to numerous international agreements. All Amateur Radio operators must be licensed. In the U.S., there are three license classes. The higher the class of license, the more frequencies are available. Earning each higher class license requires passing a more difficult examination.
Although regulated by the FCC, license exams are given by volunteer groups of Amateur Radio operators. Operating under organizations called Volunteer Examiner Coordinators, volunteers administer and grade tests and report results to the FCC, which then issues the license. U.S. licenses are good for 10 years before renewal, and anyone may hold one except a representative of a foreign government.
Barry A Miller KF4BZY 73!