Crystal Laughlin Mersh began her professional life working with the Pharmaceutical Company of Mylan Pharmaceuticals fresh out of College with a career path that took her on world travels which have now lead her right back to her home ground of Calhoun County, West Virginia. A place she has dedicated herself and her skill set to improve the business climate and employment potential.
When Crystal went to work for Mylan, their corporate endeavors were 20 plants world wide including a Morgantown, WV facility. But recently the Morgantown plant announced they’d be moving to India, which will leave the United States without any of the pharmaceuticals they provide being made State side.
In an interview with Crystal on Thursday, also attended by Shelia Burch, Director of Little Kanawha Area Economic Development Corp and Matthew Walker, Calhoun County Commision, Crystal stated that currently there is little to no transparency where our medicines are made. There is less than 2% of solid oral dosages for diabetes, cholesterol, high blood pressure, and mental health that are made in the United States. America tried to cut the cost of manufacturing by going with India for a cheaper workforce. While the U.S. is India’s largest export, the 2nd and 3rd in line are Russian and China.
Understanding the seriousness and National risk of this matter, Crystal and her team from Atlanta began looking to solve this problem by creating manufacturing opportunities in the United States, and all agreed that West Virginia would be the location. Federal interest began to come in with Senator Shelley Moore Capito who is now battling for the opportunity and offering matching funds and quick response from federal assistance.
The manufacturing plan will hopefully serve to eliminate the middle men in the pharmaceutical industry through an automated pharmacy which will cut cost and allow patients to receive their medications through the mail. The first manufacturing site will be a seven day, 24 hour facility to meet the American needs. In addition to government funding, Crystal and her team are pursuing government contracts. The project is estimated at bringing 500-600 jobs to West Virginia with a total project cost in the range of $600,000,000. American Medicines company is pursuing funding through the Department of Defense, Defense Production Act.
In a similar instance the federal government provided funding for the Phlow corporation in the amount of $800,000,000 to manufacture pharmaceuticals that are consistently on the drug shortage lists. Phlow corporation was 3rd on the list of top 100 most innovative businesses and Mersa’s consulting firm, Quality Executive Partners, were 7th on that list.
The location of the new facility is still very much under consideration with the location options narrowing.

Are Calhoun County officials/commissioners TRYING to entice them to have this here? We would all surely expect them to be.