Government News

Another Commissioner/Sheriff Face-off over Vehicle Purchases

A Special Meetng was called by the Calhoun County Commission on Thursday, September 22nd, 2022 with only a few matters of business on the agenda.

Commissioner Matt Walker in person with Commissioners Helmick and Hicks by phone, addressed a letter from Sheriff Warren Basnett regarding the hiring of Loretta Smith as Deputy. Commissioner Hicks stated that they could not hire Smith because she did not have all the necessary information for hiring. At which point Sheriff Warren Basnett stated that ”they were not the one’s hiring her, you’re just approving her, I’ll hire her at a later date.”

Commissioner Hicks continued to say that they could not do that. Loretta Smith must still go through the psychological and polygraph testing before she can be hired. The decision of her hiring was tabled until the October 12th regular meeting.

Two other personnel matters were addressed and approved: a $1.00 per hour pay increase for 911 staff Angela Bailey and the hiring of Jerry Howell as a part time Sheriff Process Server. Commissioner Hicks informed Sheriff Basnett that as a part time employee Mr. Howell could work no more than 19 1/2 hours each week.

Old Business on the Agenda was the purchase of a vehicle for the office of Sheriff Warren Basnett.

Commissioner Walker opened the discussion by reporting that he had spoken to Jenkins Ford who would sell Calhoun County two Ford SUV Police Interceptors for the price of $43,898 each.

Sheriff Basnett informed the Commission that that they could not choose what vehicles he purchased for his office, that he would choose for himself.

Commissioner Helmick asked Sheriff Basnett what the problem was with the two vehicles Matt had chosen. It was apparent from tension in the room that the issue was, it had never been discussed with the Sheriff.

Sheriff Basnett told the Commissioners that he has options of his own and had been speaking with other dealerships. One vehicle under consideration was a Dodge Truck for $37,995 as well as aDurango and Ford F-150, all of which were pursuit vehicles. From the onset, Basnett has requested that one of his vehicles be a 4 wheel drive truck that will allow the clearance necessary for traveling back roads without getting hung up, which happens frequently in the SUV’s. But the Commissioners have failed to listen to his request or discuss these matters before a public meeting, an ongoing pattern of lack of communication.

When Sheriff Basnett brought up the matter of finance, he was told if ”he didn’t want what they were offering he could take what money was available and look for himself.” Basnett, calming down somewhat and considering their option said that he would consider one of the Ford SUV Interceptors but the vehicles he had chosen were less money. The current grant paying for the vehicle is a 75/25 match, meaning that the county will have to pay for 25% of the vehicle.

Shelia Burch, Director of the Little Kanawha Area Development Corporation questioned the commissioners about $16,000 received by the Commission from an insurance claim on two wrecked Sheriff Vehicles. Jeans Simers stated that the money had been placed in the General Fund, to which the Commissioners continued by saying they’d planned to use that as part of the money towards the vehicle. But at no time has this money been brought up during previous discussions, but always stated ”general funds” would be used to pay the balance of the vehicle above the grant dollars.

Retired Judge Larry Whited asked the Commissioners why they did not table this decision until they could make informed opinions and speak to the dealerships.

Commissioner Hicks agreed that it would make more sense to have specific vehicles they could approve.

Crystal Mersh thanked Commissioner Walker for his efforts on finding vehicles but ask the Commissioners what had changed in the last few weeks with the county’s finances to make the meeting the special meeting necessary.

Commissioner Walker said that from his perspective it was the fact that the grant had came through. But then it was acknowledged that the grant had came through prior to the last County Commission meeting.

The decision was tabled until Tuesday October 11, 2022 at 9 a.m.

There will also be a Community Talking Session with the Commissioners on Thursday, October 6th at 6 p.m.


PUBLISHER’S NOTE: While the community is undoubtedly happy that the Sheriff’s vehicle is being addressed, the continued lack of communication, failure to be completely transparent and tension between our elected officials did not go unnoticed. Sheriff Basnett has expressed a multitude of times the danger that it places his staff in by not having adequate clearance in a vehicle on rutted country roads. It also puts county residents at risk if they cannot reach their destinations.