Crimes/Punishment News

Bell Charged with Threatening a Fireman

On Wednesday, January 24, 2024, at approximately 1:39 a.m. Sergeant KM Williams was dispatched to Big Bend, WV for two people walking around a residence. When the resident spoke to one of the males, they advised that their vehicle was in the ditch down the road. Calhoun 911 was advised and to dispatch fire to locate the vehicle and determine the condition of the vehicle and occupants.

When Grantsville Fire Department arrived they advised that a female and male were on scene and shortly after they advised that the female had left and the male was still on scene. A short time later they advised that Charles Bell arrived on scene and was going to attempt to pull the vehicle out. The Fire Department advised Charles Bell that he was advised that he would not be able to pull the vehicle out of the ditch until law enforcement arrived on scene. The Fire Department then advised that all parties left the scene.

On the same date, at approximately 3:43 a.m., Sgt. Williams arrived on scene and spoke to “Scott” Clyde Todd from the Fire Department. Mr. Todd advised that Mr. Bell became upset with him when he told him that he would not be able to pull the vehicle out of the ditch. Mr. Todd then advised that Mr. Bell told him to move the Fire Truck and Mr. Todd refused and advised he would not be moving the vehicle until the officer arrived on scene. Mr. Bell then stated, “he (Mr. Scott) would move the truck after he got his a** wiped”. Mr. Todd again refused and advised Mr. Bell this officer would be there soon and he would have to speak with Sgt. Williams.

On the same date, at approximately 3:55 a.m. , Mr. Bell arrived back on scene along with Mr. Starcher. This officer questioned Mr. Bell about the incident and advised that he did threaten Mr. Todd.

Mr. Bell was advised that the officer would obtain a warrant and to come to the State Police Detachment on January 24, 2024 to turn himself in for Threatening a Fireman while in his official job duties.

Mr. Bell is innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.

Criminal Code
§61-2-10b. Malicious assault; unlawful assault; battery; and assault on governmental representatives, health care providers, utility workers, law-enforcement officers, correctional employees and emergency medical service personnel; definitions; penalties.
(e) Assault. — Any person who unlawfully attempts ot commit a violent injury to the person of a government representative, health care vorker, utility worker, emergency service personnel, correctional employee or law-enforcement officer, acting ni his or her official capacity and the person committing the battery knows or has reason to know that the victim is acting ni his or her official capacity, or unlawfully commits an act which places that person acting ni his or her official capacity ni reasonable apprehension of immediately receiving a violent injury and the person committing the battery knows or has reason to know that the victim si acting ni his or her official capacity, si guilty of amisdemeanor and, upon conviction thereof, shal be confined ni jail for not les than twenty-four hours nor more than six months, fined not more than $200, or both fined and confined.
