
Brownridge Guilty Plea in Attempt to Commit a Felony at J&B Drug Store Pharmacy

Judge Anita Harold Ashley had an extremely busy day in Calhoun County Circuit Court hearing 10 Juvenile cases in addition to the 4 Criminal Cases and 1 Civil Case on Thursday’s docket.

Amy Lou Yoak appeared with Attorney Daniel F. Minardi to enter a not guilty plea on the charges of Grand Larceny and Burglery. A Pre-Trial is set for April 6, 2022 at 9 a.m. with a June Trial. A previously posted bond was discovered to have lein which is unacceptable to the court. Judge Ashley gave the defendant 10 days to secure another bond or to turn her self into the Sheriff of Calhoun County by 9 a.m. on February 28, 2022.

Travis Wayne Moore appeared by video PolyCom to answer to the State’s Motion to Revoke Probation. Alicia Lawson, Probation Officer for Calhoun County testified that the Defendant was placed on probation in October 2020 at which time he was told to report to the Probation office within 48 hours which he failed to do. In addition after several attempts to contact him were made, a capias was issued on December 21, 2021. January 31 she received a call from Kanawha County wanting to know if the Capias was still active because he had been picked up on a warrant. Through a home search he was found in possession of fire arms, exposives and a stolen motorcycle.

Mr. Moore testified that he didn’t believe he needed to report after spending time in jail stating that he thought his probation was complete. He further stated that had he been told to report to the probation officer he would have “done the right thing and not fallen into substance abuse.”

Judge Ashley informed the defendant that his probation wasn’t a sentence, it was a sanction. He was then ordered to serve his original sentence time of one year in jail with a 45 day credit for time served.

Joseph Alan Lamp appeared before the court for Arraignment hearing with Attorney John A. Carr. He entered a plea of not guilty to the charges of Soliciting minor via computer x3; Distribution of sexually explicit material involving minors x2; Use of minors in filming sexually explicit conduct x2; Use of obscene matter with intent to seduce minor x2; Distribution and display to minor of obscene matter x2. , and his attorney waived a speedy trial requesting trial dates during the next term of court. A pretrial date of June 1, 2022 at 11 a.m. was set and a trial date of August 16, 2022. Mr. Lamp was released on $25,000 bond.

Deandre D. Brownridge of Chicago, Illinois appeared before Judge Ashley to enter into a plea agreement on the charge “Attempting to Commit a Felony,” with all additional charges relating to the February 5, 2020 event dismissed.

At the Judge’s request, Prosecuting Attorney Nigel Jeffries described the evidence against the defendant. On February 5, 2020 Deandre Brownridge attempted to obtain a prescription from J&B Drug Store called into the pharmacy under the name of Aaron Roberts. The pharmacist questioned the validity of the prescription and called the office of the prescribing physician discovering it was not valid. After notifying the West Virginia State Police an arrest was made the following day when the defendant attempted to pick up the prescription.

Deandre Brownridge informed Judge Ashley that the Prosecutor’s description of the event was accurate at which time she found him guilty of attempting to commit a felony and continued the case for sentencing on April 6, 2022 at 9:30 a.m.

A request from his attorney to be released on bond was denied due to flight risk.