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Brush Fires Reported in the Area

Grantsville Volunteer Fire Department responded to two brush fire reports within the past 24 hours. The first was reported on Rush Run at around 7 p.m. off of Route 7, which turned out to be an electric wire down in the brush. There was no fire.

The second fire dispatched at 10:47 p.m. was located on Lost Ridge in the Big Springs area. Both Grantsville Volunteer Fire Department and the Smithville Volunteer Fire Department were dispatched with about 13 fire fighters total on scene. The small fire possibly caused by static on a gas line in the area, covered an approximate area of 50 feet x 100 yards was under control with a fire break in about 30 minutes once the fire fighters were on scene.

Grantsville Fire Chief David Johnson reminds residents that the current regulations on burning state that controlled burning must be done between 5 p.m. and 7 a.m. with the fire extinguished by 7 a.m. The fire must be attended at all times and the National Weather service has issued a red flag, advising not to burn.