The Calhoun County Commission met on Monday, June 10th, at 9 a.m. with all three Commissioners present.
Delegations on the agenda began with Maddison Harris of the Mid Ohio Valley Regional Council. (MOVRC) Ms. Harris reported that the Calhoun County Park project was finally ready to go to bid once approved by the Commission to do so. Commissioner Kevin Helmick made a motion to run the request for bids in the News for two weeks, it was seconded by Commissioner Propst. Without further discussion the motion passed.
Also discussed by Ms. Harris was a request for a FEMA reimbursement in the amount of $5,940.00 for legal work by Palmer and Titus on the deed and closing cost for a Flood mitigation project. Motion to approve request was made by Roger Propst, seconded by Kevin Helmick and passed unanimously.
County Clerk Jean Simers asked Ms. Harris about the demolition of county properties and the funding to accomplish that. She responded by saying that there was still money to continue that project.
Next on the agenda to speak was Charles Thomas, but before he spoke, Commissioner Propst wanted to clarify that the decision to pass a funding request made by Charles Thomas on February 12th, 2024 was made outside of the proper procedure of filing the new request forms for funding. A matter that had been rectified by the Upper West Fork Park with the forms being submitted.
Charles Thomas then made request for funding, with the proper form in hand, for a new shelter at the Arnoldsburg Community Park. The 60×100 foot shelter will extend over the concrete area behind the building. The structure will provide weather protection for festival and other events with a future stage area constructed as well. The Molasses Festival currently has Tyler Tritt scheduled to sing (Travis Tritt’s daughter) as well as Johnny Staats for the 2024 Molasses festival event. The cost of the structure will be $60,000 with an additional $11,000 necessary to upgrade the electric.
Commissioner Helmick told Mr. Thomas that the County currently has a good problem. More money in the treasury than ever before and he believed the upgrades to the parks was a good investment. He further stated that the County has $600,000 in the rainy day fund, made possible by the compressor station fund that now come in.
Commissioner Propst asked Jean Simers about the budget who responded that she had taken all she could out of line items which was $110,000. She would pay the park and then receipts could be provided. She also stated that the Commission could wait and use the money from the new Budget that will begin July 1, 2024.
Commissioner Propst said that he also thought that the commission is in better shape than they’d been for a long while, but he had heard concerns that the County needed to insure that all County offices were in compliance with finances and needs before giving money to outside agencies. He further stated that all the parks are now active and are creating a better quality of life for the community.
The Commission asked Mr. Thomas if there would be a problem in waiting until next month to approve the expenditure from the 2024/2025 budget. Thomas replied that the company that will be building the structure said that it would take approximately 4 weeks to build the shelter. So long as they were assured approval, plans could move forward to get started and the shelter completed before this year Molasses Festival. The Commission agreed that it would be passed next month and the matter was tabled for a July vote. The stage for the molasses festival had been previously rented for $3,000 for this year’s festival, but the park hopes that a permanent stage will be added soon to eliminate that future cost.
Shari Johnson, Publisher of the Ridgeview News addressed the Commission about a letter she had written to each Commissioner regarding an alleged denial of mutual aid from the
Arnoldsburg Fire Department for Minnie Hamilton Health System. It was reported that Minnie Hamilton had received a letter signed by Joe Tanner that when the Ambulance was dispatched and in need of Fire Department Assistance in the Arnoldsburg area, they would not provide it.
Mrs. Johnson questioned why a county levy funded agency was permitted to deny anyone mutual aid or assistance in the County and requested that the Commission look into the matter. County Clerk Jean Simers serves on the hospital board and if indeed the hospital received the letter she should have been aware of it and could provide a copy to the Commission upon request.
Johnson also asked the Commission to consider taking steps to unify the emergency service agencies across the board and to stop any animosity between the agencies that could hamper their ability to serve the community effectively. The community needs to promote volunteerism for each agency so that the future of our emergency services is secure.
Crystal Mersh updated the Commission about the continued progress that had been made toward bringing the American Medicine Company into Calhoun County to provide 500 jobs. The AMC Executive team will be traveling to Calhoun to tour the Armory located in the Annamoriah area. While here they’ll be staying at the Stonewalll Jackson Resort with transportation provided by Glenville State University for the community tour. Crystal expressed her happiness that the county has money to support, sheriff, fire, etc. which will appeal to the Executive Committee. The 1982 Foundation is currently working with Dakota Laughlin on the production of a promotional video that will provide information about the county parks, Avalon and other promotional footage that can be used for other projects. She recommended to the Commission that a county website be established to draw tourism and business to the community. “The more money that we bring here, the more that is spent here,” she said. The team of about 10 people will be in town in mid July.
Roger Propst who is serving on the Committee to pitch Calhoun for the AMC site, has been in contact with the Sayer family who currently owns acreage of interest to AMC around the Amory. There is 50 acres under consideration for sale and expansion of the Pharmaceutical company and the Sayers are keenly interested in helping the economics of the County.
Commissioner Arthur who also serves on the committee to bring AMC to Calhoun said that this is a great opportunity to bring our people back home that work away, “God knows the outcome” he said. But i will try every way possible to get these jobs for Calhoun County. We have a chance for a resurgence again.
Crystal, the attention this plant will get, will be overwhelming for any county.
Reports were provided by the following Agencies.
Kelly Barr, 911 director reported that the number of calls were Arnoldsburg Volunteer Fire Department – 6 calls, Grantsville Volunteer Fire Department – 17 calls, West Fork Volunteer Fire Department – 6 calls, Calhoun Sheriff – 121 calls, WV State Police – 105, Minnie Hamilton – 90 calls and 911 had 117 calls.
There was no report for the Calhoun Wood Festival but the Commission applauded the efforts of the Festival Committee for a great event.
No CRI report.
Donnie Pitts provided the update for the Calhoun County Park. He made mention of an additional 83 acres that is possibly available that adjoins the park property. He offered to provide Dark Sky or other opportunities for the AMC visitors to encourage them during their stay in thee area.
The park will be having their annual Independence Day event, but this year will be on an earlier date of June 29th. Music will begin at noon with Will Freed, John Richards and ending with Johnny Staats prior to a 20-25 minute fireworks display.
Also available during the event will be various Inflatables. A bouncy house for ages 4 and under, a Water slide, Obstacle course and Concessions will be at the event.
Mr. Pitts told the Commission that they are working on a grant for the disc golf, expanding it to 18 holes instead of 9. He had been in contact with those who build the game and believes it will be a big draw to the park. It’s a game that can be done through all weather.
Minnie Hamilton Health System staffs wants to perform community service projects. One may be to stain the shelters.
Mr. Pitts told the commission projects that will be future funding requests have been prioritized into three stages. A ball field renovation will be a multi stage project. The first thing that needs to be done is the fencing removed and the field will be leveled with the hopes of adding a tee ball field to the area. The field would be middle school regulation and allow the school to use it and free the Calhoun Middle High school from schedule conflicts with their own field.
Dugouts and lighting would be a future stage of the project. The lighting will meet dark sky requirements. If the field gets lighting it could be used for an additional practice field for multiple sport for the school as well. A new 400 amp electric service that would handle the lighting.
The third project is a new tractor shed. The shed that currently stores the tractor was built by Duane Davis for his plane decades ago and is in poor condition. A new poll building is needed for all equipment and storage.
The Park expressed their appreciation for the money invested by the County. Bids for anything over $15,000 is necessary by policy. The matter will be placed on the July me]t month graham will advertise for a home confinement officer for the new fiscal year.
Sheriff Graham Knight provided his report to the Commission that 121 calls were received by his agency last month. 38 calls were civil process, and all others were for service. Sheriff Knight requested that the Commission consider creating a Community Service opportunity for an alternative sentence. He reported that there are four individuals on home confinement as some were returned to the Central region Jail.
Last Friday, Sheriff Knight was contacted by a gentleman in Chicago who deals with surplus vehicles. he has two 2016 SUV’s and has the money in his budget to purchase them. Both are under $10,000 and have 46,000 miles on them, each having all equipment to make them ready to go with an offer of shipping for $500.
Knight requested that at the next meeting he be given an executive session to discuss a staff issue in executive session regarding dealing with a vendor complaint. The item will be addressed at next month’s meeting.
Roger Propst told Graham that his staff were quite visible and commended on the job they accomplished this week.
The Commission was offered first refusal on the Family Court building that is possibly for sale. The Commission determined that they would not purchase the building but would allow it to be placed on the market for the $210,000 that it was priced.
The Ferrell property that had been purchased to use for an animal shelter will be advertised to be sold on July 8th, 2024. A minimum bid will be $75,000. The home was assessed for $118,900.

Nowhere on the commissions agenda; A motion to let the fine citizens of this county KEEP THEIR HARD EARNED MONEY THROUGH LOWER COUNTY TAXES.