The remaining two Commissioners, President Craig Arthur and Commissioner Kevin Helmick, will meet today at 9 a.m. in the Little Courtroom of the Courthouse. Although there was some question as to whether or not all candidates were notified, the intent of the meeting is listed with multiple items on the agenda as well as for the conducting of interviews and the appointment of a new Commissioner. However that, in fact, may or may not be the case as far as “appointing” a Commissioner to replace Matt Walker. If the two Commissioners cannot agree on an appointment following the interviews and “discussion period,” the decision could be delayed and left in the hands of the Republican Executive Committee to present three candidates for the Commission to choose from. At which time, Helmick, being the most senior Commissioner will have first strike of the three, and Arthur will have the second, leaving the third candidate submitted as the newly appointed Commissioner.
The Candidates who are to be considered are: Carl Collins, Ralph Cunningham, Alice Holmes, Eric Lupardus, Roger Propst, Dennis Spaur and Ari White.
Items also on the agenda is a $100,000 budget transfer, three funding requests from the Upper West Fork Community Park, CRI and the County Livestock Program, and a resolution on a Courthouse grant proposal.
Ridgeview News plans to be live at the meeting on the Ridgeview News Facebook page.