Government News

Calhoun County Commission to Meet on Monday

Monday, December 12, 2022

9:00 a.m.


Meeting #5936021621 Password 1234
Participate by Phone:  +13126266799 or +19292056099 (Both Numbers are Toll Free)

I. Pledge of Allegiance:

II. ​Approve Minutes:  November 14, 2022

III. Delegations/Requests: 
A. ​Calhoun Homes – Robin Hughes

IV. Reports

A. E-911, LEPC and OES
B. ​Ambulance
C. ​Wood Festival Committee
E. ​County Park
G. ​Home Confinement Report
H. ​Sheriff’s Report
I. ​Little Kanawha Area Development Corporation

V. New Business:
A. ​Mt. Zion PSD and Pleasant Hill PSD Request
B. ​Request – Upper West Fork Park Christmas
C. ​Cell Tower
D. ​Volunteer Fire Department Audits
E. ​Library Audit
F. ​Magistrate Court Audit December 31, 2021
F. ​Mutual Assistance Agreement – Calhoun Sheriff’s Office and the Spencer Police Department

VI. Old Business:
A. ​Sheriff’s Vehicles
B. ​Consolidated Public Service Districts

VII.  Personnel Items:
A.​Employment –Samantha Hicks – Circuit Clerk’s Office​ – ​Effective January 3, 2023

B. ​Resignation – Michele Nicholas – Effective December 23, 2022
C. ​Employment – Melissa Falls – Effective December 26, 2022

VI. Appointments to Boards and Authority:
A. ​Little Kanawha Area Development

VII. Grants, Contracts, Applications and Resolutions:​

VIII. Erroneous Tax Assessments/Consolidations:

IX. Fiduciary Items:​​

X. Financial Items:
A. ​In-House Transfer #3 and Resolution
B. ​Budget Transfer #3 and Resolution
C. ​Sheriff’s Financial Reports – September, October and November 2022
D. ​Invoices Paid Need to be Approved:
​1. ​General Fund – $58,536.89
​2.​Coal Severance – $2,255.03
​3. ​Dog and Kennel – $18.01
​4. ​Magistrate Fund – $396.01
​5. ​E911 – $21,027.12
​6. ​Home Confinement – $651.00
​7. ​Excess Levy – $5,420.54  ​GRAND TOTAL $88,304.60
E. ​Stabilization Fund​
F. ​Creation of New Fund 361 Certified to the State

XI. Bonds, Wills, Settlements and Orders:

XII. Executive Session:

XIII. Adjournment – Next Meeting: January 9, 2023
