Business Government News

Calhoun County Commission Year in Review 2022

By Publisher, Shari Johnson

Looking back at the year 2022 with regard to the decision making of Calhoun County government, their decision making style varied from either their complete refusal to make a decision, or a snap decision without discussion or possibly any thought to the process. Below is a year in review of what Ridgeview News considered the major decisions of each month’s meeting and the action taken. There is Publisher commentary in the content as well.

One positive thing which occurred in 2022 was the citizens taking an active part in county government and holding our leaders accountable. It did not always make for wise decisions on the commissioners part, but it does make for wiser decisions when electing or re-electing officials.

If I was an employer and I would look at this as an evaluation of Calhoun County’s Government as the employee, and their performance was approximately 10% positive and 90% no action taken, I believe I would have to reconsider my hiring policies. Were there other things done that are not listed? You’ll have to be your own judge on that question. At any given meeting they paid bills, took care of budgetary items, etc. But all of that took a minuscule portion of the meeting. The decisions below were those that could have made an economic, health, life or safety impact for the citizens of Calhoun County.

 Action taken or response
GIG Ready Broadband ProjectCalhoun votes to invest $500,000 into the project.
Commissioner’s Helmick and Walker mention their concern about housing availability, river access and flood zone challenges. 
Commission awards Calhoun County Committee on Aging $69,945 from ARC grant.Almost 1/3 (32%) of our community are senior citizens. An investment into their care is a good and deserved expenditure.
County Commission approves purchase of New Sheriff Vehicle.This began the battle for a new car pu/rchase by Warren Basnett, Sheriff. While the Commission does not have the authority to tell the Sheriff what he can spend his money for, they for some reason, had the the power to tell him when.
82 Foundation requests Calhoun County Commission partnership with themselves and the WV Chamber of Commerce No commitment. The 1982 Foundation was new on the scene of Calhoun County Government. There had been no ill will, no reason for a refusal of participation with a potential Calhoun County business.
82 Foundation decides to house Little Kanawha Area Development Corporation Incubation projectA $15,000 value of office housing for the County. No acknowledgement of the gift or the giver.  
MARCH 2022 
First Care and Share meeting discussionAt the request of the citizens, this was done to improve County Communication.
Calhoun County Commission now investing another $700,000 into multi GIG Ready project, making the contribution $1.2 million dollars, the highest of all counties involved.Was there any consideration given to spending this quantity of money in a county that had so many needs that fell under the ARPA funding recommendations. ‘
Money from the Arpa funds was awarded to the following county agencies:We need to hold money recipients accountable for what they spend their money on.
Mt. Zion Community Park – $30,000 Purpose?
Calhoun County Park, $62,000 Multi-project reporting by Donald Pitts, President
Arnoldsburg Community Park – $30,200 Purpose?
Calhoun Committee on Aging – $69,945 New food delivery truck.
Heartwood Dance Center – $18,500 Purpose?
Mt. Zion Public Service District – $15,000Purpose?

The following five thing was the U.S Recommendations for focus of expending ARPA funds: 
1. Public Health 
2. Negative Economic Impacts of Covid 
3. Revenue Loss in the Public Sector 
4. Premium pay for essential workers
5. Water, Sewer, Broadband infrastructure.

LKADC – Reports on area businesses suffering from supply chain issues.No action taken
Planning CommissionAddressing housing issues, Dark Sky Project and Business Incubation Project
APRIL 2022 
Wayne Underwood Field Returned to Calhoun BOE 
Crystal Mersh announces that American Medicines Company is looking at Calhoun and other areas for a manufacturing facility to employ 500-600 employees No action taken by Commission in support of this opportunity. 
MAY 2022 
Chamber of Commerce meeting discussed
Question of Concern: What is the county doing for business retentionNo evidence 
Question of Concern: What is the county doing for business developmentNo evidence
Calhoun EMS – Lack of availability of ambulances questionedNo action
JUNE 2022 
NAPA closes  
Dilapidated Homes discussed 
Calhoun EMS response times questionedNo action
Commission approves $45,000 for ambulance 
JULY 2022 
911 Protocols questionedNo action
EMS response times mentionedNo action
Trevia Fulks frustrated over having months of software issuesNo action
Frontier issues with the admin lines at 911No action
County Commission issued 15 letters to dilapidated property ownersNo evidence of Followup 
AUGUST 2022 
Sheriff Department Cruiser diedNo action
Calhoun listed as 2nd in the State for commuter county 
Change of distribution of the Emergency Services Levy funds.Removal of $38,597.91 from the Sheriff’s budget, no mention of it to the Sheriff.
Commission requested to provide the following:
1. Clear County objectives No response
2. Action, Service and Accountability to the publicNo response 
3. Feedback when addressedNo response 
4. Improved Commission Meeting MinutesNo response 
Sheriff request to purchase a truck for $49,000Tabled
Supply Chain issues for businesses addressed again by LKADCNo action taken
$5,000 requested by Mt. Zion Park – no purpose given.Approved without question
Trevia Fulks questioned again why reports were not reconciledNo action taken or assistance given
Question regarding financial health of countyNo answer provided
Calhoun EMS License Suspended Denial of having known there was an issue
Second Sheriff Cruiser goes down 
EMS leadership and County Commission unaware of EMS issues. 
Transparency questionedEMS Board apology
People died possibly because of negligenceEMS Board apology
Commission informed that Calhoun is 10th most popular search by businesses looking for locations. No action taken
Commission asked, “What is your plan to grow Calhoun County.”No response
Population continues to decreaseNo evidence of addressing it
Issues with 911 not communicating with other agenciesNo response
Request for resignation of Kevin Helmick No response to lack of community confidence
$3,000 for Norman Ridge Water Project 
Courthouse receives $49,600 grant for sidewalk project 
Survey for Dilapidated Properties Program sent to all 55 counties.Did we do it?
Calhoun Homes given $10,259 to repair houses 
Mt. Zion and Pleasant Hill PSDs given almost $530,000 to replace meters. 
Sheriff request for $14,763 for radio equipmentTabled
Counties Financial Report continues to have issues. Commission does not sign off on report for the first time.
