Business Government

Calhoun County Commissioners Change Date for Underwood Field Decision

Much planning has gone into the Calhoun County Commission meeting date of April 19th, 2022. Not necessarily by the Commission, but certainly by the community, press and Raising Houners Social Media Group. Area youth were excited to have their day to voice an opinion on the Wayne Underwood Field conveyance, but the Commissioners have squelched that excitement, at least for today.

Crystal Mersh had requested a larger meeting room for the April 19th meeting due to the expected rise in attendance from the press and publicity on the Calhoun County Commissions comments and decision on conveying the field to the 1982 Foundation and away from the County ownership. She also suggested updates be made to the technology used to conduct the Zoom Meeting for public online viewing. Technical issues have presented problems with the availability of the service and sound issues.

But on Friday, April 8th, Crystal received the following email from Michael Hicks, Commission President, that the meeting date had been changed all together:

Crystal, A jury trial is tentatively scheduled for Tuesday, April 19th, so the courtroom will not be available to accomodate any overflow from the County Commission room. For the respect and comfort of the jurors, the  April 14th “listening session” at 6:00 will be converted to a Special Meeting to discuss Wayne Underwood Field and any other items placed on the agenda. Notice will be distributed. The April 19th regular meeting will be held as scheduled due to the necessity of laying the levy. 

Many of the community members involved have determined to remain undeterred by the change of date, and Facebook livestreaming is being planned to insure there is a way for people to attend via the web.

This is a developing story and updates will be on Ridgeview News as soon as word becomes available as to any additional changes.

9 Replies to “Calhoun County Commissioners Change Date for Underwood Field Decision

  1. Shari … you are doing outstanding work. I hope you know how much you are appreciated!

  2. It’s great having real time updates of county business. Great job Shari. Just wondering…..regardless of April 14 decision on WU Field, there is a newly inspired community interest in county business & I hope that the citizens continue to pack these meetings & demand that the CCC act in the best interest of the citizens & conduct business & fiscal accountability as required by law.

    1. Thank you so much Chris! And that my friend is one of the main reasons Ridgeview News came to be. I grew weary of the county officials treating the citizens as if we had no right to an opinion and they had every right to make decisions on our behalf without it.

  3. Shari. The entire Ben Franklin quote is as follows: “ Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.” I hope I got it right this time. Thanks again.

    1. Could have been my mistake! I’ll fix it and thank you for the correction. You did an amazing job encouraging us yesterday

  4. I did not get my hand up in time before Crystal finished answering questions. I just wanted some clarification of some things that are being talked about concerning the 1982 foundation. First, it has been said that the comissioners could face jail time if they transfer he field to the foundation. I can find no basis for that, but it is on the mind of some. Second, that a pool can never go in because the field is on a flood plain. I thought that was answered too . It just needs some clarification. Finally, it is rumored that Crystal has some previously uncovered negative business dealings that have been delibratly not disclosed. My understanding is that she publically disclosed all things. Could you please clarify? Thanks and love your reporting.

    1. Mr. Plato, I apologize that your question didn’t get answered at Saturday’s Town Hall and applaud your proactiveness in wanting the truth. The County Commissioners would not be charged criminally for conveying the property to the 1982 Foundation, so long as they first have the Calhoun Board of Educations confirmation that they don’t want it back, and then they convey it to another State Agency or County non-profit which would be the LIttle Kanawha Area Development Corporation, which has agreed to the conveyance, and then that agency can convey it to the 1982 Foundation for business development.

      As for the pool being built in the flood plain. As always there are steps involved in the construction of anything within the City Limits and the flood plane adds an additional step. When designing and building a pool in a V-Zone, (which stands for “velocity zone,”) structural engineers are required to be part of the front-end design process and in some cases soil engineers, who run tests on the soil to determine the strength, or “bearing capacity” of the soil. In other cases, either timber or helical piles are required. Deep piles may be required depending on the ground strength, even for some in ground pools, depending on the quality of the soil. The needs and requirements for each individual property will differ and will be taken into consideration by a pool contractor. Crystal has stated on several occasion that she will make sure all precautions are taken and permits obtained. If the pool ends up not being feasible she will come up with another plan to develop the property.

      As for Crystal having negative business dealings. None of us are immune to negativity, but is it a matter of truth would be the question. I have never discovered anything in Crystal’s business dealings that have been negative. I’ve Googled her (as I’m sure many of her adversaries have. If they’ve discovered something, it would have been made public very quickly. But nothing has been.

      I hope my answers are satisfactory and thanks for seeking the truth!

  5. And nothing will be uncovered because there is nothing…..sorry folks we are a pretty boring business. But I would like to caution any folks making slanderous remarks regarding our businesses. If this is confirmed and there is evidence thereof, I can assure you our attorneys will not take it lightly.

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