Community Events News West Virginia

Calhoun County Wood Festival Parade Highlights

Thirty Nine entrants into the 2023 Calhoun County Wood Festival Parade filled the streets and the candy bags of children. Clear skies and temperatures in the high 80’s made for a beautiful day for the much anticipated event. Volunteer Fire Departments from Grantsville, Wirt and Gilmer, multiple queens and little kings representing several festival and events and even Smokey the Bear made an appearance to remind folks to be on guard on these hot summer days to prevent forest fires. The Calhoun County Band passed the baton of drum major and performed very well during the event.

Below is a slide show, scroll left or right to view over 90 parade images taken by Ridgeview. High temps kept me from videoing many of the events, it would shut my iPhone down! I need to work on that issue.
