
Calhoun Planning Commission Moves Forward on Dark Sky Ordinance

Jesse J. Richardson, Jr., Professor of Law, Lead Land Use Attorney of West Virginia University addressed the Calhoun Planning Commission at their monthly meeting held at the Calhoun County Bank on Tuesday, May 3rd. A few of those in attendance were relatively new to the Commissions efforts, for which Mr. Richardson reviewed the fact that this organization was formed because of the Dark Skies Initiative. When the Calhoun County Park decided that they wanted to secure its status as a Dark Skies Park, a planning commission was required to be formed.

However, with the recent interest in many Calhoun projects and local government efforts, the Planning Commission garnered attention, new members and new purposes as a community organization. The Calhoun County Commission is expected to appoint 2-3 new members at the next Calhoun County Commission meeting on May 17th, bringing the Planning Commission board to 12 members.

Although the Planning Commission has many ideas for future endeavors, their current focus will be on helping the Dark Skies Initiative by passing zoning light ordinances in both the County and City governments. A matter they moved forward with by approving the proposed ordinance to b presented to the Calhoun County Commission.

Prior to that approval, many questions were on the table about the issues and concerns the community would have regarding the ordinance, having never had zoning ordinances on a county level. Some of the concerns addressed were:

  • What about the current lighting citizens and businesses have? All current lighting will be grandfathered in without a need for replacement.
  • What about large lighting structures such as Football Fields and Gas Stations, will their lighting be an issue? At the present time none of the communities lights cause an issue with the exception of the football fields, which are still not an issue because the lights are usually shut down by 10 p.m. which is when the Star gazers begin their viewing at the park.
  • Will their be light police? No. There will not be anyone searching for out of compliance citizens. If a complaint is filed, there will be a board appointed who will investigate the complaint.
  • Will the community have to buy special lighting? Again, most home light sources are not an issue, and the replacement lighting that does comply with the ordinance is often cheaper than what people are currently purchasing.

The Ordinance, once presented to the Calhoun County Commission will be made public, with public meetings held to answer any questions the community should have. At the current time, the measurements for compliance to be labeled a dark sky community is having light levels on a scale from 13 to 22. Calhoun County is on the scale at almost the darkest point, 21.5.

Those attending the meeting were board members:

  • Donald Pitts, President
  • Kelli Whytsell, Vice President
  • Martha Haymaker
  • Shelia Burch
  • Robert Petrovsky
  • Kevin Helmick
  • Debra Dawson
  • Ariel Mooney Wood

Also in attendance were:

  • Welch
  • Crystal Mersh
  • Teresa Overton
  • Shari Johnson
  • Judy Powell
  • Jesse Richardson, Jr.

The next Planning Commission Meeting will be May 23rd at 6 p.m.