The Calhoun Planning Commission met Monday evening, April 5, 2022 at the Calhoun County Courthouse with Jesse Richardson, WVU Professor of Law and Lead Land Use Attorney to discuss the future of their Commission and their plans to further the development of the County. Mr. Richardson was well pleased with the attendance and concern of the community.
Commission members attending the meeting were: Donald Pitts, Kelli Whytsell, Martha Haymaker, Dr. Ariel Mooney-Wood,Kevin Helmick (via zoom), and Debra Smith (via zoom). Non members attending were Shelia Burch, Ben Wood, Allen Dawson, Crystal Mersh, Teresa Overton, Robin Hughes, Dennis Spaur, Shari Johnson, and Jason Arnold

Discussion of the future of the Calhoun County Comprehensive Plan began with Kelli Whytsell wanting to insure that there was a self auditing mechanism put into place with the Planning Commission that would allow them to track and report progress to the Calhoun County Commission and review the plan, making additions when necessary to accommodate community growth, change and funding sources.

Donald Pitts responded that the Planning Commission was doing those things, and further stated that the Planning Commission would be the coordinating agency of sub committees that would get things done.
Mrs. Whytsell suggested that experts needed to be identified for the sub committees of the Planning Commission and referenced Crystal Mersh regarding the fact that Daycare was a part of the plan that they felt needed addressed in the County and The 1982 Foundation was doing that through the new Community Center.

Crystal Mersh informed her that The 1982 Foundation would be happy to be part of the solution.

Shelia Burch, Director of the the Little Kanawha Valley Development Corporation added that another part of the plan which her agency addressed was a Business Incubator Project for which she had written and applied for a grant for funding. The project would also be housed at the Calhoun Community Center.
Kevin Helmick brought up the Broadband issues of Calhoun County and said that the Calhoun County Commission had addressed that matter by using funds of 1.2 Million, made possible through ARPA (American Rescue Plan Act), as a matching resource for 3.6 million dollars in grant funding from the Roane and Jackson County Economic Development Authority who partnered with CityNet for a $22 million project. Counties involved will use funds through the American Rescue Plan Act to supplement and expand the coverage into their communities. Other counties included in the project are Clay, Braxton, Gilmer and Webster and phase one of the project includes the installation of service to a 283-mile range.

Martha Haymaker spoke to the communities housing issues. Affordable and suitable housing is currently not available for business professionals desiring to move into the community. Through the Governor’s Build WV Act, opportunities for sales tax and property tax relief could encourage an economic change in that regard. Mrs. Haymaker felt the Planning Commission should further their involvement with that program.
Jesse Richardson addressed the Dark Sky Project which he believes could be a ”big deal” for Calhoun County in drawing tourism and the dollars that come with it. Currently the Planning Commission needs more involvement with the Town of Grantsville in order to get a light ordinance passed which is the next step in the Calhoun County Park’s application to get their IDA (International Dark Sky) Certification. That certification would make the Park the second in the State to have the certification which would put Calhoun on the map to attracting Astronomy enthusiasts from across the United States. Watoga State Park recently achieved the IDA certification, making them 1 of only 195 in the world to have it. Calhoun is in line to be another as our county is noted to have the darkest skies east of the Mississippi.
Election of Officers for the Planning Commission was next on the agenda: Donald Pitts was elected Chair and Kelli Whysell was elected Vice-Chair. Crystal Mersh and Shelia Burch expressed interest on being appointed to the board which has two current openings and the possibility of a third. Kevin Helmick informed them that they needed to write a letter of request for appointment to the Calhoun County Commission for consideration.
The next meeting of the Calhoun Planning Commission will be May 2nd, 2022 at 6 p.m. in the Little Courtroom of the Calhoun County Courthouse. The public is welcome to attend.