Photos by Clear Blue Skys Images and Roger Propst, ]photographer

Ridgeview News, the 1982 Foundation and the Republican Executive Committee wanted to do something to honor the Championship Winning B Team Youth League as well as all young people who take their time to train and participate in extracurricular activities and entertain their community. So with just a few and very under appreciated volunteers we threw a parade, a feast and a program together that had wonderful participation!

The parade began at the Grantsville Volunteer Fire Department with a fire and police escort followed by the best noise makers this side of the Mississippi. It wound through town and over to the Wayne Underwood Field where Republican Executive Committee volunteers had prepared a feast of pork and beef sandwiches for the families who came to the event.

It brought such joy to see the Wayne Underwood Field filled with youth having the best time together and enjoying a beautiful Sunday afternoon together without electronics or any form of entertainment other than friends.

Each group of youth involved in fall sports and extracurricular activities were honored by Ridgeview News with a plaque and coaches were given the opportunity to brag on their teams accomplishments and contributions to their hometown.

It’s my hope, as publisher of Ridgeview News, that Calhoun County becomes promoters of every young person in the community by attending and supporting local events and appreciating the contributions they make to the county economically (by bringing fans from other counties) artistically and culturally by their many talents and being a central focus for the community to gather together. While not everyone wins every event they participate in, the county wins every time we get together because it strengthens us and encourages our spirit.
I wish I could remember everyone who volunteered or donated time to the Sunday event, but I’d surely miss someone. Thank you from the bottom of my heart to everyone who came out and helped in any way.
We plan to continue this (perhaps not in the same manner) at the end of all seasons and have it better organized and prepared next time!