News Schools

CMHS Students Raise Coins for Critters

Pictured above is the CMHS 5th grade class, teachers: Ms. Belcher, Mrs. Jones, Mr. Morgan and Superintendent Mrs. Kelli Whytsell.

Calhoun Middle High School 5th grade students did a remarkable job with their community service project “Coins for Critters”. Students collected over $380.00 which was donated to the “WAG”, welfare for animals group. The goal of the class was for no animal in Calhoun County to go hungry. Students were asked to notify a member of WAG if they knew of a case of this happening. As a result of these student efforts, many feral cats were fed and this was not only beneficial to the animals, but it helped the caregivers by allowing them to use their money to be spent on food or medical need for their families. Students were asked to identify any senior citizen or hospitalized citizen who would have animals needing care during these months and to let a WAG member know. WAG was thrilled to be able to assist in several reported situations.
