Government News

Commission Debates Need for County Manager

The Calhoun County Commission met for their regularly scheduled meeting on Monday, July 8th, 2024 at 9 a.m. at the Calhoun County Courthouse. All three Commissioners were in attendance, President Craig Arthur, Roger Propst and Kevin Helmick. 

County Clerk, Jean Simers addressed the Commission desiring to clarify a topic brought up by Ridgeview News at last month’s June Commission meeting. Mrs. Simers informed the commission that she had spoken to Steve Whited, CEO regarding a letter sent to Minnie Hamilton Health system, and received on January 23rd, 2024. The letter was a notice that the Arnoldsburg Volunteer Fire Department would no longer provide mutual aid to Minnie Hamilton’s emergency services. Meaning, if there was an emergency in Arnoldsburg’s district for which Minnie Hamilton needed their assistance, it would not be provided. Jean stated that the letter was  opened in front of the board of directors, for which she sits on. According to Jean, Mr. Whited had advised her that he had had several meetings with those involved and the matter was not longer an issued. In fact it had never really been an issue according to them. 


However, Ridgeview News would like it noted that three separate agencies reported to Ridgeview News in June of 2024 that there was an issue of Arnoldsburg VFD refusing to respond to provide mutual aid. It was requested that Ridgeview investigate it. Thus, why I brought it up at the following commission meeting after I was given the information. It was not brought up, as Mrs. Simers suggested to “cause conflict.” It was brought up because Arnoldsburg VFD receives county levy funds, and they’re not denying mutual aid to only Minnie Hamilton, they were denying aid to citizens who pay into those levy funds. 

Mr. Jason Wilson of Minnie Hamilton responded when I asked if there were times that Arnoldsburg Volunteer Fire Department didn’t respond that “They didn’t have to respond because they were volunteers.” That’s true. Volunteers can’t be made to respond. But an “agency” who refuses to do their duty shouldn’t be given county money. That won’t win me friends in the emergency service realm, but the people of Calhoun County deserve to know when someone who has been placed in charge of their well being, doesn’t have their best interest at heart. The personal feelings of a fire chief should never be used to limit an agency’s ability to perform their job. The fact that I brought the matter to the governments attention, should be far less concerning than the lives placed at risk by the individuals for which I reported.

It is not the first time I’ve been accused of writing things to “create conflict.” But that accusation always seems to appear after poor behavior by elected officials or others using county funds. 


Madison Harris of the Mid Ohio Valley Regional Council appeared before the Commission to request a payment for the Calhoun County Park project. The amount of $613.00 was requested to cover  Administrative fees for MOVRV and $800.00 to pay a  Thrasher Engineering invoice. Both were approved by the Commission. 

Kelli Barr, 911 Director provided the reports for 911 and LEPC. 

Jason Wilson, EMS Director for Minnie Hamilton Health Systems reported that the total activity for the EMS was 76 calls. Wilson also reported, as board member for the Grantsville Volunteer Fire Department that the Grantsville VFD had purchased a 4 wheel drive mini pumper truck, a 2004 F550 that will allow them to fight fires in more confined areas. 

Agenda items for the CRI and Calhoun County Wood Festival had nothing to report. 

Donnie Pitts, President of the Calhoun County Park reported to the Commission that the much anticipated and discussed bathhouse project was finally underway.  He also reported that although the 4th of July event had a lower attendance than before the event was still successful. Will Freed, John Richards, Johnny Staats, Roger Bush, Rick Poling and Bruce Jones performed for the event while bouncy houses and a water slide kept children entertained as well. 

Mr. Pitts also reported that a WVU application for a “Be Healthy Grant” had been filed with a response expected soon as to whether or not it was approved.  The grant is for an 18 hole disc golf course. 

Additional projects being completed are 12 new concrete picnic tables which will be put into place following the repainting of the picnic shelters by Minnie Hamilton Health System volunteers and the Baseball field is being worked on with bids for  the fencing and the tractor shed. 

The agenda items of the 4-H program and FRN had nothing to report. 

Sheriff Graham Knight reported that home confinement had not changed much. He did report that there were 114 calls last month and showed the commissioners the new body cameras that were received for department use. 

Shelia Burch of The Little Kanawha Area Development Corporation introduced the commissioners to Donna Roberts, her new administrative assistant. 

Sheriff Graham Knight has been having an issue with a vendor and requested an executive session with the Commissioners. Following the executive session, President Craig Arthur stated that no action was taken, but rather advice on how to handle the vendor was given.

A determination was made by the Commission to issue a purchase refusal for the Family Court Building which will possible go on the market by the owner. 

A request bu the West Fork community Action for $71,000 was approved by the Commissioners for the purchase and installation of a large shelter at the Arnoldsburg Community Park. It will hopefully be completed before the fall Molasses Festival.

Regarding the hiring of County Manager, Commissioner Arthur submitted a job description for the position to be reviewed by the Commissioners. Qualification listed for consideration were an accounting degree, successful Grant writing, research and administration, financial and accounting reporting, budget preparation, website and event calendar as well as additional training on grant writing.

Several issues were brought up by Commissioner Helmick and Clerk Jean Simers regarding the necessity of the position and their concern for conflicts involving the sunshine law. Mrs. Simers seemed very concerned that the financial matters of the courthouse would be a part of the duties for the new hire stating that she was concerned how her office would “work with it.”

The individual hired would answer to the commission only.

It was determined that the Commissioners would have another month to determine how the role would play out and be returned to agenda for the August meeting.

Commissioner Arthur and Propst believed that this position will allow Calhoun to be in the running for State and Federal monies that had not been sought previously. 

At the end of this conversation a contentious quip by Commissioner Helmic was directed toward the 1982 Foundation which was called “out of order by Commissioner Roger Propst. No other comments were made.

An increase of $1.00 an hour will take effect Take effect for July , 2024 for employees of e911 

Amber Riggs of e911 was given a $1.00 increase on her hourly rate because of additional training she had received. 

Dawn Smith was hired as a part-time deputy for the Calhoun Sheriff Department at $22.50 an hour.

The Commission ended the meeting by taking care of bills and other financial matters to be listed in the monthly financial report. 
