Following a soul stirring Pledge of Allegiance by a packed house at the Calhoun County Commission Meeting, the Calhoun County Commissioners immediately voted on the Conveyance of the Wayne Underwood Field to the Calhoun County Board of Education. Commissioner Matthew Walker voted against it and said that he believed the best interest of the county would be served to convey the property to the West Virginia Development Authority who could then give the property to the 1982 Foundation for recreational development.

It was at that point that the meeting derailed. Not following their own agenda, which had Kyerstan Perkins next to speak, the Commissioners began taking care of all other business on the agenda as if the community wasn’t even there. Multiple objections were noted by the crowd, but ignored by the Commissioners. When they finally made it through the general business of the meeting, which went undiscussed or noted by anyone there, they allowed Kyerstan Perkins to address them.

Kyerstan spoke calmly and professionally as she addressed the Commissioners about a subject she had been very passionate about for several months. She even noted that she too had failed to do her part, as well as others in the community, to hold the elected officials of the County accountable for their roles and responsibilities, but she was no longer going to allow that to be the case. Through a group of concerned citizens, Kyerstan and many others had collected over 1,500 signatures in support of the Wayne Underwood field being conveyed to the 1982 Foundation and to make Calhoun Great Again! She expressed the importance of the community working together and the experience she had shared with so many in the community over the past nine months, having drawn them closer through the adversity they’d gone through working with the Commissioners.
Kyerstan, even through her disappointment with the commissioners decision, made note that there should not be division in our county, no matter how much people wanted to push that narrative. She reminded the commissioners that our county should have it’s doors open to businesses. We need growth, jobs and change. Her message was one of hope, joy and a new drive that had come from the ability to make change in the community through this effort.
Her heartfelt speech moved the audience, but not the Commission.

Attorney Tony Morgan rose to speak several times throughout the evening. He too was very passionate, but on the side of the Commission. He claimed responsibility for advising the Commissioners to handle the matter in the way that they did. He stated that as the attorney for the original deed that conveyed the Wayne Underwood Field from the Calhoun Board of Education to the Commission, he felt conveying it back to the Board of Education was best, as did the Prosecuting Attorney Nigel Jeffries, who he had spoken to several times regarding the matter. When someone from the audience ask Tony if he thought the Attorney General was wrong with his suggestion to deed the property to the WV Development Authority, Tony Responded, ”Maybe.” He further stated that by giving the property back to the Board of Education we could avoid State and Federal agency involvement. Over and over again it was questioned of Tony Morgan and the Commissioners as to why it took 9 months to come to this conclusion.

Other than Commissioner Matthew Walker, the question was unanswered. Commissioner Walker has been in his position a little over a year. He confessed his inexperience and that he had ”screwed up” by not seeking information earlier. But when someone asked him if he’d spoken to the Attorney General, he told them “No.” But then he called and received their response advising that it was legal to transfer the property to the Development Authority. And so he accepted the Attorney General’s advice and voted in the manner he did with that information in mind.

Although the audience asked many questions. Few were answered. Commissioner Kevin Helmick responded with little more than a smirk for which he was called out on by multiple community members. One community member, Nikki Boatright, called him out on it and went so far as to referring to him as “baldy” which Helmick took great offense to. When she did it the second or third time, he had the Sheriff remove her from the courtroom.

Teresa Overton, board member for the 1982 Foundation addressed the Commission regarding her recent move to Calhoun County. She said that in an attempt to get to know her elected officials she sent Kevin Helmick a friend request on Facebook, to which he replied to her ”Piss off.” Further showing his disrespect for community.

Judge Larry Whited spoke to the community encouraging their respect of the Commissions decision because it was how our government worked. He then reminded the youth in attendance that they’d be old enough to vote for themselves in a few years
The youth of Calhoun County were well represented throughout the evening. Beginning at a rally prior to the Commission meeting where many of them wore pool attire and donned floaties and pool rings to march around the Courthouse chanting for a pool. Beach music played and horns honked as the community showed their support for them. But two teens were very outspoken this evening. The first was Mia Houchin:

Mia told the Commissioner that she had heard her peers complain that there’s nothing to do in Calhoun County. She believes that this is a root cause to children becoming involved in bad behaviors, drugs and alcohol. She told the commissioners that when she travels out of county and people ask her where she’s from, she’s looked down upon because she’s from Calhoun county, and that needs to change. She expressed her desire to see the economy grow and for our money not to have to go to other counties because there’s nothing to spend it on here. Such mature thoughts from a well informed young lady. And yet her speech was met with rolled eyes and smirks from Commissioner Helmick. It was an issue so obvious to the audience they continued to call him out on it.

Another teen that spoke so very adult like was Emily Good. She told the Commissioners that the lack of jobs and poor economy would cause her and kids like her to have to travel to Parkersburg for employment. She asked what their plan was for creating jobs and if they cared that kids here don’t have a job.
The conversations of the night were repetitive. Commissioners Helmick and Hicks basically repeated the same thing. ”We did what we think is best for the county.” Over and over again they were questioned if they cared what the community thought, but never replied.

Crystal Mersh thanked the Commissioners for their consideration. Not once was she thanked by the Commission for her boost to the economy, community passion and her many financial contributions to Calhoun County.
It was shortly thereafter that this publisher, Shari Johnson, lost her ability to be unbiased. I make no apologies for what I said, although in hindsight, perhaps my passionate response could have been bridled some. I cannot separate the Christian Shari, from the Reporter Shari. They are one in the same. I believe everyone is entitled to their opinion and religion. I hold no animosity toward people of different beliefs. But… if you profess Christian faith, and you treat people the way the commissioners treated the community this evening, I want you to know, I don’t appreciate your testimony.

Mr. Hicks was quite passionate with his response. I actually enjoyed it. Because at least he proved he cared about something. He thought I was questioning his faith. Untrue. His faith is between him and God and not up for me to question. I was questioning his behavior. While Mr. Helmick rolled his eyes, smirked and was blatantly rude to the community, Mr. Hicks spoke down to the community. Repeatedly assuming we ”didn’t understand,” and stating as much. He showed no concern for why the community was out in such numbers. I have no idea of the number of people attending only to say that every pew was full and the walls were lined. He refused to answer any question of substance, and would always return to his politically correct response, ”I did what I thought was best for the county.”
At the meeting conclusion the battery wearied on my iPhone and the crowd had wearied of their failure to be heard. They dispersed to the front steps of the courthouse for consoling one another where they knew they’d be heard.

I want to thank you for covering the real news in this county without attempting to force your political beliefs on us!! I didn’t attend the county commission meeting, for the simple reason that I have attended a few others and the disrespect and distain that I saw from Mr. Helmick toward the people of this county and our interest was sickening. I will start attending again, although I will wear a gag to keep myself from being thrown out.
Love you girl
Thank you Teri, that means so very much. ~ Shari
Hi Shari, I wanted to share a story and some comments with you and your readers. I am originally from Calhoun. I graduated from CCHS in 1990! I grew up there for 27 years. I enjoyed the school, the follies, Home EC with Mrs. Miller, Choir with Mr Miller and lived a whole summer at the swimming pool and went to the drive-in! There was no other place on earth I would have wanted to grow up! When I was younger (elementary age) Julie owned the Koffee Cup she wanted something in the town for the kids to do, like a skating rink so she rounded all of us “town” kids up and we memorized a song, “wind beneath my wings” and we went to the town council to plead our case. Well needless to say we didn’t get a skating rink but we did get a curfew at midnight instead. From time to time I see fellow classmates and I ask how their families back in Calhoun are? they answer me by saying they’re doing ok but I don’t go home much, it’s just to depressing! it’s so run down and “there’s nothing there” and they’re children ask Mom how did you live there? I watched every minute of the town council livestream and I have to say that it truly hurts my heart after being gone now over 20 years that there are still people with that same backwoods mentality that doesn’t was progress! For goodness sakes WHY do you want Calhoun County to be the very definition of what negative things people say about West Virgina? That we have nothing, come from nothing and we are nothing!? I tell everyone that I meet I would not have changed growing up in Calhoun County for NOTHING! The values it taught me like hard work and perseverance in life are invaluable! Not everyone can say they have those traits but HOUNERS CAN! I take part in the meetings when I can and will do what I can to encourage and support Crystal and the 1982 Foundation. Those Council members I have never met and I was absolutely appalled! First of all 15+ years WAY TO LONG You gotta go! Secondly Mr President this should be your 6th and FINAL year! I don’t know you nor do I want to! You are an exact replica form 50 years ago of people that didn’t want anything to hold the citizens in that county! I got a news flash for you commissioners you are either part of the solution or part of the problem! The problem (you) gets fixed with the solution (the citizens). The arrogance that was displayed was childish! the immaturity outrageous! Then to use a double edged sword and say that you are expecting a child in September yet you want the best for the community? What exactly does that look like Mr President of the commissioners? I come home to visit family and see how run down it is but, when I was able to set foot in that old Calhoun High again sooooooo many fond memories came back! my heart was full! That is called LIFE and that is what Calhoun Needs! Trash can only get in the way for so long before it is picked up and taken out and Remember THIS TO SHALL PASS! Keep up the GREAT work with this site and THANK YOU for the livestream! It was truly enlightening and with what I saw and how the citizens were treated. I have no doubt that will light a fire that wont be put out! You have support not only in Calhoun but from all over rooting the 1982 Foundation on!
Thank you so much for caring about Calhoun! I know that feeling and I’m always gratefful when others share stories of how it was growing up in Calhoun. We may not have had everything the city life has but there’s always been people who care, especially about youth. Thank you also for taking the time to watch the live stream, it really is enlightening for the community to see what has been going on and being ignored in our County government.
I love that my Class President has taken on the mantel with so many of my classmates to bring the town and county back to the gem it was. I commend the fight that is taking place by Calhounians (Hooners) to take back the control of what happens to them, the town and the county. In the 70’s my grandmother ran a restaurant in Millstone and every day for lunch the Mayor would come in and tried to talk her into running for Commissioner and I do recall that one summer he brought the council came with him to ask her again.
My Mammaw was a very strong, forthright woman and when Vernon asked her this time in the presence of the Commissioners,, she said,” Let me ask all of you a question first. What do you say to opening a skating rink for the kids? Offer them a place to play pool, skate, eat and maybe a little dance floor?” The councils’ response was that, “That type of thing would encourage trouble and encourage sex, fights and drinking. Not to mention the crowd of kids and noise to bother the good town folk.”
Mammaw looked down at her hands she had spread on the counter and looked back at them and with a sad smile she said,” No, I won’t run for Commissioner. You don’t care about the youth of this county, you don’t care about their futures, you only care about what is in it for you. If you don’t take your hands from around the throat of this county, you are going to strangle the life right out of it and I don’t think I want to go to jail trying to work beside and with all of you and try to keep my hands off of you when good reason isn’t working.” Vernon never asked her again and in fact, he and the Commissioners stopped coming in the restaurant.
It pains me that 47 years later they have nearly succeeded and this community is trying to come back in spite of the smirks, derision and the condescending attitude of the Commissioners towards the entire population. I am more than sure that if this is still the fact with the Commissioners than the “more than meets the eye” that went on then, is still going on behind the scenes.
Although, I currently do not live there, I am looking and opening my 2 small businesses there and I can honestly say that when I do, I am going to join the fight of my classmates, but as a successful business owner Seat belt yourselves in Commissioners, time for you to go, or a really rough row to hoe as my Mammaw would say.
I like that you are sharing your story. It bears repeating. Hope more will speak out.
Thanks for sharing this story. Unfortunately, it shows the roots run deep in the county. Very sad.
Praying that the county will work together for the good of the residents, kids and county.