Rev. Kevin Gillespie filled his regular appointment at the Burning Springs M. E. Church.
On Saturday it rained and on Sunday morning there were some snow flakes. The river came up and the USDA’s [United States Dept. of Agriculture] multiflora rose is growing . Julia Joyce’s daffodils are at their best, Jerry Poling’s peach tree is in bloom and along the roads colt’s foot is in bloom. The amphibians have been singing their little hearts out and the other evening they were a welcome relief to the hopped up senile fellow who shouted at his perceived enemies such as folks who live in rural areas.
It was noted the other day that there were no practicing lawyers in Grantsville. However, there will be many seasoned attorneys there bringing suit against the Calhoun County Board of Education, board members and employees over the recent school bus wreck that has students still in the hospital in bad conditions. No Creston children were on the bus although at least one had Creston connections. The driver blew 0.161 it was said.
Meanwhile in Wirt County there was a “palace coup”. So much for transparency and above board dealing.
Tom Mowrey continues to improve as he only has therapy two days a week instead of three.
The Wirt road crew has been working on the Ann’s Run road.
Someone took one cupcake out of a package of two at Shade Tree one day last week.
Mr. & Mrs. A. C. Marks & Thomas were calling at the Creston Space Dock.
Connie Mollohan & Ricky Tucker had an unfortunate “meet up” at Burning Springs. Both chariots were demolished.
The Creston Community Easter party is March 24. (Palm Sunday).
A local fellow got a call from a national polling outfit that asked all sorts of rather confusing questions so it was hard to determine just what was being asked. There were questions about “open primaries” and “global warming”.
The Columbia Gas building on MacCorkle Avenue in Charleston was sold to a Point Pleasant man for $14 million. The company which is part of John D. Rockefeller’s Standard Oil Trust is to build a new building in downtown Charleston.
In addition to the development of the Utica & Marcellus shales in West Virginia, Ohio & Pennsylvania [such is banned in New York state] there is activity in the Permian basin in Texas & New Mexico. Lease sales have been held up in New Mexico until the legislature can raise the royalty from 20% to 25% as it is in Texas. New Mexico Land Commissioner Garcia Richard noted that the state would miss out on $billions in income and investment returns over the lifetime of future leases if royalties stay capped at 20%. Recently, Ohio leased over 20,000 acres for 12.5% and W. Va. Senate president Baldy Blair had laws passed to keep W. Va. royalties low to benefit “his clients”, who, of course, do not live in West Virginia. All these areas have world class oil & gas formations & West Virginia is in the middle of the largest oil & gas field on the planet. In the sands of Araby the royalty is 50% or more.
After March 15 one can apply to WGOP.ORG for paperwork to be a delegate at the National Convention in Milwaukee.
Some of the invasive black buzzards were seen below Creston. Time for Sure Shot Jones & Dead Eye Dick to do their civic duty – shoot, shovel & shut up.
The Henry Hub price of natural gas was $1.80/MMBTU and as a result EQT, the largest producer announced that gas production would be reduced 1bcf/day [billion cubic feet]. Other large operators indicated cutbacks as well and another firm indicated that future drilling would be directed towards liquids, not dry gas. The nation’s economic woes obviously impact all aspects of the economy and the ruling junta’s push for moving manufacturing to their communist Chinese friends is “a killer”.
The price of local Pennsylvania grade crude slipped to $77.01/bbl. with condensate fetching $59.01/bbl. and Marcellus & Utica light bringing $68.01 & medium $77.01/bbl.