Rev. Kevin Gillespie filled his regular appointment at the Burning Springs M. E. Church & served Holy Communion.
There were 415 riders at the Creston ATV poker run. Folks came from Delaware, Michigan and places in between. The community would like to thank all those who came, rode, fixed and served the food, did the signups, marked & took down the route, and all the other things involved in the event. Jacob Robinson was first followed by Michelle Miller & Cassie Parker. Kelly Janson of Bridgeville Delaware won the 50/50 and gave it back to the Community Building. Wirt sheriff candidate Mike McFee, Calhoun commissioner candidate Alice Holmes and House of Delegates candidate Erica Moore were all at the building talking with folks.
Someone changed a marker sign so some riders ended up in Reedy & Sunflower when they were to go to Rocksdale. Needless to say there were some unhappy people. The route took riders through the ramp patch and where morels have been found on prior times. Many mud holes, even some deep ones were splashed dry by those testing just what their chariots could do.
Some ladies from Creston were surprised Thursday morning when they noted six U. S. Marshalls in riot gear leaving the court house in Elizabeth with two troopers and a deputy sheriff. Perhaps Dangerous Dan McGrew was in the neighborhood.
Spring continues with wild iris (flags), butter cups, larkspur, mayapples, paw paws and azaleas at their peak. A whole hillside on the Little Creek side of Mt. Beaulah is covered with the wild iris. The government’s autumn olive is now past the flowering stage. It is said that bees make excellent honey from the flowers.
A local resident received a letter from the DHHR [welfare] office in Pt. Pleasant advising that he would qualify for reduced rates for his W. Va. American Water Service bill. Then it was learned that the Town of Grantsville is dealing with the company to perhaps purchase the local water system.
Jacques Frost was calling in Creston and then much warmer weather arrived. Local vehicles and anything else out side have been covered with pine pollen.
Some local folks were driving down I-77 using “Ways”. The woman’s voice announced, “pothole ahead”. The report was true.
It was reported that EQT’s Mountain Valley Pipeline is to start taking natural gas for transport on May 25. This was announced on “earth day” which apparently made some of the green weenies irate. One would presume they walk everywhere, do not use plastic [which comes from fossil fuels] in any way, eat only “organic” food that is not delivered by truck, plane or rail, use only tallow candles, etc.
The ruling junta came out with new rules for coal & natural gas fired power plants requiring that 90% of the CO2 be captured. Of course, these rules do not apply to China, Russia, India, Indonesia and elsewhere. Those who run the power grids are very concerned about lack of power very soon. Only the USA has reduced emissions of what the green weenies say is bad.
It has now been learned that there is methane in the atmosphere of Mars. Some wonder if “Big Oil” sent some there just to pollute the “pristine” planet.
The West Virginia State Republican Executive Committee meeting is scheduled for May 18 at Flatwoods. It is understood that Broadway Joe Manchin & his longtime advisor Larry Puccio plan to take over the W. Va. Republican party after failing to take over the W. Va. State Democrat party. Jim Justice, Moore Capito and Riley Moore are said to be involved in the proposed scheme.
Ted Grim was calling on Charles Russell.
A local lady had severe stomach pains and consulted with the folks in the emergency room. They sent her home and the next day she tested and was positive for Dr. Fauci’s Wuhan Kung Flu lab made virus.
There continues to be a glut on natural gas with the Henry Hub price dropping to $1.61/MMBTU. It was noted that with increased demand for gas fired power plants [apparently after federal government changes] and the call for AI and chip makers which require vast amounts of power the glut may soon be gone.
The price of local Pennsylvania grade crude oil is $82.85/bbl. with condensate fetching $64.85/bbl. Marcellus & Utica light is $73.85 with medium fetching $82.85/bbl.