Rev. Kevin Gillespie filled his regular appointment at the Burning Springs M. E. Church.
Jerry Bunner is recovering after undergoing thyroid surgery.
The Creston area received some of the showers that have been dampening the local area. The drought is far from being over. Other parts of West Virginia, especially up in the mountains, are much worse.
One woman asked Kathleen Cervone why her jeep hadn’t been seen lately. Seems, the other day, one of her furry friends needed to visit with Dr. Cain and on the dePue straight [a/k/a the Creston straight] on W. Va. 5 one of the DNR’s deer “intersected” with the grill, radiator, fan, etc. Currently Barb is the “designated driver” since Kathleen has nothing to drive. It was unclear if the feline ever got to visit with Dr. Cain.
Eli and Braidon Ferrell and Josiah McAbee were visiting Aunt Missy Ferrell up in Pennsylvania.
A recent study has shown that ivermectin, the Nobel prize winning drug that stops parasites in both humans and animals, also helps with Parkinson’s disease and is effective against damage caused by Dr. Fauci’s ‘vaccine’ as the drug binds the spike proteins that damage organs in the body. The ruling elites trashed ivermectin when the Wuhan Kung Flu was rampant so they could rake in $billions with the “wonder vaccines”. Now there is a growing effort to ban the vaccines although government toadies still hype “the jab”.
W. Va.’s two bloviating US Senators, along with some of their buddies, announced that $30 million of the $900 million hydrogen hub had been paid out from the US Dept. of Energy. A close reading of all the news reports did not disclose where the $$ is going so one can only assume that it is for “administrative costs”. Tied in with all this is the former Pleasants Power Plant, now called Omnis or Quantum. There is a claim that someone lied when the state loaned money and there is a fuss in the PSC [Public Service Commission] over whether Hope Gas [historically part of the Rockefeller empire] or another company can supply the natural gas to make hydrogen to run the power plant. Some local men are working on the new 20 inch gas line that is to supply the facility.
A representative of Wildcat Oil Tools was attending to business in Elizabeth the other day. Wildcat rents the tools one needs when there are downhole problems in both vertical and horizontal wells.
It was announced that Chevron, formerly known as Standard Oil of California, part of the Rockefeller Standard Oil Trust, is moving from California to Texas citing a hostile state government. Chevron has/had been active in the West Virginia Marcellus & Utica plays.
Now that EQT’s MVP (Mountain Valley Pipeline) is open and transporting one bcf/day (billion cubic feet) of natural gas there was an increase of 9.5% for West Virginia Marcellus gas production. The pipeline can do 2 bcf/day and Toby Rice intends to add more compressor stations to up transmission another ½ bcf/day. Of course gas sent elsewhere does not generate local jobs such as was the case when W. Va. Had glass plants with many skilled workers & artisans. Speaking of EQT the headquarters have been in a skyscraper at 625 Liberty Avenue in Pittsburgh. Now most of the office workers are elsewhere [cheaper rent] and the name is to come off the structure. How times do change.
The Henry Hub price of natural gas fell to $1.97 while Wirt County natural gas sold to Mountaineer, the local gas utility fetched just $1.53/mcf and on the Dominion System (DTI) gas was worth, at the well head, $0.9346/ dekatherm.
The hearings and investigations into the attempted assassination in Butler Pennsylvania seems to be leading to a conclusion many feared was true at the time. For the first time ever CNN was covering the event live. Now, why was that? The deep state folks won’t talk & they may have a good reason to keep mum.
The price of local Pennsylvania grade crude fell to $72.52/bbl. With condensate, formerly called Appalachian light sweet bringing only $54.52/bbl. And Marcellus & Utica light just $61.52/bbl.

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