Guest Writers News

Creston News

Week of August 11, 2024

Rev. Kevin Gillespie filled his regular appointment at the Burning Springs M. E. Church.  He will be on vacation for two weeks so the next two Sundays there will be only Sunday School starting at 9 A. M.

Ola Mowrey noted that her brother Dennis Norman has a 100% blockage but is alive by ” the grace of God”.  He is scheduled for bypass surgery.  They were consulting at the Cleveland Clinic.

Several Creston residents attended & participated in the activities at the Wirt County Fair which was well attended, especially the truck pulls, mud bogs. Livestock auction, etc.  One of the exhibitors there was Smith Grain & Cattle from over near Ravenswood.  They were selling frozen sausage.  One local fellow took some home Friday night and then Saturday morning feasted on very tasty sausage with farm grown eggs & rye bread from an Ohio Amish bakery.  The local grown sausage can be had in Elizabeth at the Wiggly Pig.  When one considers the safety and reliability of the food supply it is imperative to have local, reliable suppliers, not Chinese controlled world corporations.

The Wirt road crew was mowing the berm on W. Va. 5.  Just below the former Okey J. Campbell residence there is a break in the roadway so when coming east one can be flipped over the hill down into the river.  A similar situation on W. Va. 14 in Wood County just before the Wirt County line was recently addressed.

Wirt County Commissioners John Griffin & Nikki Garrett are attending the mandatory W. Va. State Auditor’s county commissioner meeting at Canaan Valley State Park.

Those who have scholars in school noted that there was a massive turnout for school clothes during the “sales tax holiday”.  Inflation was obvious when it came to the “bottom line” at checkout.  The so called “leaders” who spoke of the “transitory nature” were shown to be the prevaricators everyone knew that they were.

The local area was “promised” some rain from the remnants of the hurricane but, as it was reported, the rain came only west to Elkins.  Drought continues locally.

W. Va.’s governor’s financial woes continue with now a scheduled front door of the court house sale later this month of the Greenbrier Hotel, an outfit that presently something in the range of $1 million in arrears in the payment of sales tax collected from customers.  A federal judge in Delaware has ordered the sale of his main holding company & a federal court in Kentucky is also making moves.  He was the deep state pick for being W. Va.’s US Senator.

Dr. Fauci was very outraged that folks would consider indicting him for murder of millions after the Wuhan Kung Flu virus that he had his buddies make in the germ warfare laboratory was brought to the US to impact an election and remove Donald Trump.  Now it seems that hot lead is the preferred solution for the deep state that wants to control us all forever. Some local folks continue to struggle with the impacts of the GM (genetically modified) disease.  Now it has been noted that the so called vaccine using m-rna [messenger ribonucleac acid] was intended to sterilize the world since the elites, like Bill Gates, Klaus Schwab & their ilk said that 8 billion humans were too many and the number should be reduced to some millions. They call it “thinning the herd.”   Of course, we know how rural folks in W. Va. Rank with them.

Creston folks attended the [Sen. Donna] Boley breakfast at Cheryl’s Country Diner and the speaker was Dr. Torrie Jackson, the head one at WVU-P.  She noted that the facility, unlike the little college up at Morgantown run by the “very important” perfesser Gee Haw, is financially stable and working on many projects to train local youth for jobs in local manufacturing facilities, etc.  She is a graduate of Wirt County High School.

One fellow checked his game camera and found 9 raccoons eating corn along with a deer.  Bears are common as well. 

Ascent, an oil & gas entity formed by the late Aubrey McClendon, announced that their new drilling plans are to target oil and NGL rich areas.  Some W. Va. Operators, who feel protected by “those they own” in state government are having state residents sign leases that do not pay for the valuable gas liquids.  Some years back one of the Rockefeller companies had unknowing residents sign lease modifications that gave the “poor” Rockefellers the natural gas liquids such as ethane, propane, butane, etc.

It was reported that US crude oil production hit an all time high while at the same time government folks are taking private land for pipelines to facilitate the CO2 scam.

It was reported that several lawsuits have been filed against K & H Partners who recently shut down their brine injection wells near Torch.  Seems the injected fluids [which by rights should have been processed to recover valuable minerals] contaminated shallow wells, etc.  K & P is owned by Tallgrass Energy.

Antero, a Denver based driller, announced that their natural gas production had dropped 4% but that their natural gas liquids (NGLs) was up 10%.  The Henry Hub (down in Louisiana) price for natural gas dropped to $1.97 while the “cash price” fell to $1.80.  Locally on the Dominion System [DTI] one will do well to get 90 cents.  It is clear that wholesale natural gas prices are not impacted by inflation – now manipulation that is another matter..

The price of local Pennsylvania grade crude is $75.84/bbl. With condensate fetching just $57.84/bbl. While Marcellus & Utica light is $64.84/bbl.


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