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Glenville State University receives Grant to Increase Awareness for Natural Resource Management Program 

Dr. Rico M. Gazal, Professor in the Department of Land Resources at Glenville State University (GSU), has spearheaded a groundbreaking initiative aimed at revolutionizing the recruitment and retention efforts within the university’s esteemed Natural Resource Management program. This initiative included receiving a $25,000 grant to continue practices.  

The Department of Land Resources at GSU is thrilled to announce innovative strategies to amplify enrollment and retention of students in the Natural Resource Management program. Dr. Gazal, leading this initiative, aims to secure funding to support key aspects of the program’s growth and development. 
“We have enjoyed a strong partnership with Glenville State on this innovative program for years,” said Ellen Rossi, President of the EQT Foundation.  “Providing an opportunity for students to begin their college experience in land resources while still in high school will undoubtedly elevate and strengthen the talent pool in our industry and provide viable career openings for West Virginia’s youth.”  

Purpose of Grant: The primary goal of this initiative is to leverage the recently approved Associate of Arts (AA) Pathway in Natural Resource Management (NRMT) Program by the West Virginia Higher Education and Policy Commission (HEPC). The program, an offshoot of the EQT NRMT HS Program, provides select high schools in West Virginia with the opportunity to offer the NRMT pathway for free to their students. The funding from this grant will extend support to high school students beyond the initial 10 schools identified by HEPC, covering tuition fees and promoting STEM education across the state. 

The initiative’s second component focuses on enhancing student retention through tailored activities. Recognizing the critical importance of student success and the long-term health of the NRMT program, these retention activities aim to create a positive and supportive educational environment. The goal is to increase student engagement in their major, fostering success in both academic and career pursuits. 
“GSU and the Department of Land Resources are fortunate to partner with the EQT Foundation to implement initiatives aimed at improving student recruitment and retention in the NRMT programs. This grant will consistently support our efforts to encourage a greater number of high school students in West Virginia to explore careers in Natural Resources Management.” says Dr. Rico M. Gazal. 

Expected Outputs, Outcomes, and Impact: The anticipated impacts of this project include: 

a. Increased Enrollment: The implementation of the AA Pathway in NRMT, EQT NRMT HS Program, and GIS Certificate is expected to significantly boost enrollment in the NRMT program. This growth not only ensures the program’s viability but also elevates the institutional reputation of GSU. 

b. Enhanced Retention: The creation and implementation of targeted retention activities are poised to fortify the commitment of students to the NRMT program. These activities aim to provide a positive and supportive educational environment, propelling students towards academic and career success. 

By applying these innovative strategies, Dr. Rico M. Gazal, and the Department of Land Resources at GSU are poised to make a lasting impact on the Natural Resource Management program, further solidifying Glenville State University’s commitment to excellence in education and sustainable resource management. 
For additional information about the Department of Land Resources, its programs, faculty, and organizations contact: 

Mr. Adam Black 
Department Chair 
Associate Professor of Landman Technology 
215 Waco Center  
