Opinion Politics

Highly Political Commentary Without Apology

Publisher Opinion

If you want to know the heart of the Democratic Party, you have but to look at the events happening at the Democratic National Conference (DNC).

Planned Parenthood has set up shop with buses outside the DNC where women can have abortions and men can be snipped and clipped in the form of a vasectomy. Abortion is legal in the State of Illinois and they’re more than proud of the fact. Clinics across Illinois have increased hours and staffing to accommodate an influx of patients from outside the state.

Abortion is a high priority on the campaign trail for Democrats running for office; so much so that they decided it would be advantageous to put the women on display to feed their agenda (although they did take women off the name of their clinic, because women are not the only ones able to have children now you know.)

For some reason I personally doubt that the vasectomy booth will be nearly as active as the abortion booth.

Not only will those seeking abortion be in Chicago this weekend but the expected number of protestors to be there is from 100,000 to 150,000. I wonder if the citizens of Chicago feel safe? Chicago officials have promised to make them “mostly peaceful protests.” That worked out well during the COVID era. The Kamala Harris supporting group of protestors said that they want their progressive message to be heard by the Democrats for the purpose of stopping aid to Israel in support of Palestine.

This is the Democratic Party. I’ve been a Democrat. I was one for years thinking that their liberal views didn’t have to be mine. If you’re a Democrat, whether or not you believe in abortion, transgender and child mutilation, they’re making you among them. They’re not putting conservative candidates on the ballot. Kamala Harris who wants the black voters to know she’s a black woman, supports everything about Planned Parenthood which was created to get rid of black babies first. The white babies were just casualties of the war.

Historically, blacks have been the unwitting victims of a hidden racist agenda of those behind abortion and birth control organizations making the alleged disparity of health care for black women worse. But by all means, people should support her because she’s black. If that’s how she takes care of “her people,” how will she take care of the enemy, which is the Jewish population.

How far back has the Democratic Party reverted this Nation?

Let’s see: Blacks are being devalued by abortionists, being a woman means absolutely nothing because anyone can be one, children can determine if they want to have a unnecessary life altering surgery and parents are deemed abusers if they won’t permit it. Reporters of the truth are now enemies of the State.

Less than a month ago President Trump was a victim of an attempted assassination that they’ve all but swept under the rug. When Rep. Clay Higgins tried to inspect the body of shooter Thomas Crooks as part of the investigation into the shooting, he discovered the body was released to the family for cremation. Nothing suspicious there, right? This is our current national leadership under the Democratic reign.

You are free in this country to not like President Trump. You’re free to vote against him. I am glad you have that right. But before you cast your vote, please fact check everything I said.

Standing on the side of a Democrat puts you in the position of being:

  • Pro – abortion
  • Anti – Israel
  • Pro -LGBQACDEFHIJKMNOPRSTUVWXYZ+- and the fact that we are catering to 7.1% of the American population while 92.9% of the straight population has no rights at all.
  • Not believing anyone in the Federal Government should be held accountable.
  • Pro-Liar. No body believes that the Biden Administration suddenly discovered he was suffering from Dementia.

My list could go on but I’ve already crossed even my own line of political commentary. But when I heard that the Democratic Party had *Moloch’s bus at their convention, I had heard enough.

*Jeremiah 7:31 KJV
And they have built the high places of Tophet, which is in the valley of the son of Hinnom, to burn their sons and their daughters in the fire; which I commanded them not, neither came it into my heart.

You can ignore me. You can ignore scripture. But you will not ignore eternity.

I do not hate anyone. I am not the enemy of anyone in my Community or Nation. But I hate the direction this Nation is going, and I will stand on the side of Israel and Christ.
