By Shari Johnson, Publisher
From the time that President Biden locked himself in his basement during the last 2020 election, Government transparency has gone out the window. We no more know the truth of what’s happening in Washington D.C. on any given day than we know what’s truly happening in the Soviet Union. Is it any better on the local level?
I only know from my experience.
When I began the Ridgeview News, I had to do a FOIA request to get basic information from Sheila Garretson, the Calhoun Circuit Clerk. She refused to provide it, and I went around her, when it came to getting a copy of the Circuit Court Docket. Did she have the right. Of course not. But I detest dealing with difficult people. At that time, Prosecutor Nigel Jeffries stepped up to the plate and worked with me continually to provide any criminal information I requested, usually the same day I requested it and most often without even asking for it. He was a breath of fresh air.
I have received one short statement from Prosecuting Attorney Michael Hicks, and if I can’t make court, I can just assume that the information is gone down a black hole never to be known, because he is totally uncooperative.
Jean Simers, County Clerk, when I began Ridgeview News, provided everything I asked for and very quickly. But no more. She refuses to send out meeting agendas, posting them only on the pathetic porch bulletin board and believes that is her only responsibility to the community. I have only recently been required to do a FOIA request to even receive Calhoun property transfers which is why they are no longer available at the beginning of the month.
This is Calhoun County’s representation of Democratic elected officials. It’s important that we know what’s going on in our community and know that our tax dollars are spent, and valued by those that receive a very good portion for their salary.
Name | Position | Salary |
Michael Hicks (R) | Prosecuting Attorney | $98,336 |
Richard Postalwait (D) | Magistrate | $60,250 |
Lora Davis (D) | Magistrate | $60,250 |
Jason Nettles (D) | Assessor | $57,803 |
Sheila Garretson (D) | Circuit Clerk | $58,544 |
Jean Simers (D) | County Clerk | $58,544 |
Kevin Helmick (D) | Commissioner | $30,085 |
Craig Arthur (R) | Commissioner | $30,085 |
Taking into consideration that the median household income for Calhoun County is $37,428, for an entire family, the wages of our elected officials are certainly respectable. But the attitudes appear not to match the wage, nor does their concern when addressing the need for business and job opportunities in Calhoun County.
So let’s talk about why transparency from these offices is so crucial.
When it comes to the criminal element, citizens have a right to know what is going on in their neighborhood. If drugs, alcohol, abuse, etc. are occurring; for the safety of your family you need to know. The inability to get that information, and get it quickly could prevent a family from being aware of a danger. An elected office, such as the Prosecuting Attorney and Circuit Clerk withholding such information, or making it difficult to obtain is putting the community at risk.
While the information from the County Clerk’s office is not physically dangerous to anyone, by not having the information, it is fiscally dangerous. Individuals and businesses rely on that information to stay informed about opportunities.
County Commissioners are considered “part time officials.” Although they are not accountable for the numbers of hours they commit to their office on a monthly basis, the evidence of their work should show that they’ve made attempts to open doors and provide opportunities for the citizens of their County. There should be news stories and reports when they’re speaking with State officials on our behalf or reaching out to businesses who show interest in our community. Financial decisions should not be made on a “whim” to the tune of thousands upon thousands of dollars coming out of a county budget without regard for what is coming down the pike. It has been questioned by several people in the community as to what the true purpose of awarding money in certain areas is about.
Today I share my experience with you, in hopes that you’ll ask why these things have come to pass in our wonderful little community. Do not the people deserve to know what’s happening?
Areas where you can have confidence in the County and State offices are:
Sheriff Graham Knight, who is doing a remarkable job of keeping the community apprised of what’s happening with his funding, home confinement and crime.
The non political office of the West Virginia State Police are highly informative, in so much as they can be, with information that is often confidential.
Judge Anita Harold Ashley’s office has provided all information requested when permitted and is active in community corrections with substance abuse program participants.
I have had no dealing with the office of Assessor Jason Nettles.
Calhoun Magistrate Clerk, Kandice Smith provides (with a fee) all information requested from her office with regards to Criminal Complaints that I used to receive free from the Prosecutor’s office. Magistrates are no longer permitted to provide information.
These are the only offices that I deal with on a regular basis. This information is provided because the community has a right to know who has their best interest at heart and who wants to control what they know.