Crimes/Punishment News

Kilgore arrested for failure to provide registration changes under sex offender registration act

Stephan Dewayne Kilgore

In a complaint filed by Corporal D.C. Moore of the West Virginia State Police in the office of Magistrate Lora Davis on January 9, 2023, Cpl. Moore had attempted to to make contact with Stephan Kilgore on an unrelated investigation. He contacted him on his registered phone number on his sex offender registry in an attempt to speak with him. A female answered and said that Stephan had his own number that he could be reached on and advised Moore of the number. A short time later Cpl. Moore was contacted at the Grantsville Detachment by the number given to him on the original phone call.

Stephan Kilgore is a registered sex offender through the State of West Virginia. As a result of that registration he was supposed to register in person in the county or counties of registration within ten business days of any change in any registration information including but not limited to: vehicle, internet, phone, screen names, email, etc. This was information supplied to him at every registry, which he signs, advising that he understands those requirements. He received his last registry form in April 2022, which he signed stating that he received and understood the requirements. In addition Corporal B.E. Young had just completed an offender verification within the last few months, where his information on file was to be checked and updated if not correct. No changes were reported from the defendant at that time.

The unregistered phone number was discovered on December 1, 2022 by Cpl. Moore and at the writing of this complaint the defendant had failed to register the phone with the Grantsville Detachment of the the State Police. Mr. Kilgore has several prior charges for failure to register as a sex offender but has never been convicted, making this a first offense. He is a resident of Calhoun County.

He was arrested on January 17, 2023 on the charge of Failure to Register pro provide notice of registration changes and taken to the West Virginia Central Regional Jail where he is being held on $20,000 bond.
